Return of the Sith

Start from the beginning

Back at the Naboo Palace sometime later, Caroline was humming to herself as she looked through the box of Lamenta's old baby things. In eight months, she and Carmine would be blessed with another miracle of life of their own. However, this time around, they would not be struggling to take care of her or him. Now that they lived in a palace with a bigger family and they had more than enough money from their days of musical tours and gigs, they would be able to provide for both Lamenta and their new baby.

"It seems like only yesterday, doesn't it?" said Carmine. "One moment, we were teenage parents forced to make it on our own, just barely managing to make ends meet."

"I remember." said Caroline. "You worked literally three jobs to be able to provide for us, but paid a price of no rest and barely any family time. And then along came Count Crescendo, and then the Festival of Light."

The Jinn family had certainly come a long way since the beginning. A family that once grew with three children in separate homes finally together now, the two youngest ones now each blessed with children of their own to love and raise into fine adults who may have children of their own someday, not only giving Solaris new heirs for the future, but continuing the growth of their family, the greatest crown jewel of them all.

Now, even the Jedi were having children of their own or adopting children. Some were even making up for lost time with children they didn't even know existed for years.

Mace Windu had his daughter Myra and stepson Kade, Ki-Adi had Comedia, Plo Koon and Shaak Tii had Ahsoka and now were looking into adopting a child, Kara loved Diamond as though she were her child, Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura started trying to have a baby, and now Obi-Wan Kenobi had a baby girl of his own. So, it seemed the Jedi's Order's family was growing now too, and it would continue for years to come.

Goldie shook a little rattle for Leia as she and Luke were playing about in their pen.

"I wish I had a baby sister." Goldie said.

"Or a brother?" Boba asked, walking by.

"My neighbor back home says baby brothers are annoying."

"Baby sisters can be that too. I tried not to show it, but I had to really watch my back when I first moved in with Gabby. Tigger Tag was her favorite game then."

"What's Tigger Tag again?" said Goldie.

"Whoa!" Boba fell forward as Gabby tackled him to the floor.

"Gotcha again." Gabby teased.

"That's Tigger Tag." Boba groaned, trying to get up. "You know you're gonna be too big and heavy to use me as a target eventually, right?"

"Why do you think I do it so much now? Gotta practice if ever I need to tackle a bad guy."

"You're going down when I get up!" Boba grunted, trying to get his sister off his back.

"You'll have to catch me first!"

And Gabby ran off, Boba coming after her, the two of them zipping past Padme and Mariposa.

"Kids, be careful!" Padme said.

"Were they always like this?" Mariposa asked. "Roughhousing?"

"Boba and Gabby have been close for as long as I can remember. Even when Ani and I had just the two of them, raising a family was no easy task on top of our other jobs."

"In my people's tribe, looking after just a garden is like looking after at least two dozen children because each flower requires the same amount of attention, even if they come from the same kind of seed. A sunflower and a rose are two different flowers, but nevertheless require the same amount of love in order to grow."

Legend of the Jedi Princess 3: Return of the DoreshoWhere stories live. Discover now