Rock Heartbreaker Part 3

Start from the beginning

Myra wasn't just acting the way she did because she was being a teenager. She felt hurt and unhappy. And she loved her mother so much and was terrified of seeing her get heartbroken a third time. The first was when Mace left her, and the second when Lyle died. No good daughter wanted to see her parents hurt, especially the ones who stuck around and took care of them and loved them unconditionally from day one. And now that she also had a little brother, the last thing she wanted was to see him get his heartbroken by someone he thought was supposed to be a role model for him.

They say you should never meet your hero, and sometimes that proved true. When you meet a celebrity who inspired you to want to do big things and then they turn out to be a sleaze, a liar, and a big-time jerk, your faith in role models can be shaken pretty badly. But when you are betrayed by a mentor or a parental figure, that hurts even more than if it were done by a total stranger.

It was the truth that Mace didn't even know she existed until he met Brenda again, but there was even more to it as to why he never came back, and why he steered clear of his lady love all these years.

Now, Mace started to feel something. Myra didn't need material gifts, ice cream trips, or even a pony. She needed her father, and she'd needed him for years and was deprived for reasons she didn't even realize. Maybe, if Mace told Myra everything and got her to sit down and tell him how she really felt, then she could break herself out of the clavatization. Myra needed her father more than ever now.

No matter how big someone got, parents always held a certain, role in their children's lives and in their hearts.

And now, Mace knew what he needed to do. He got on Strawberry's back, and Anakin came along on Sapphire's.

"To the palace!" Anakin exclaimed, snapping the reins. "Hyah!"

And so, the two Jedi flew on their pegasi to the palace to face Rock Heartbreaker once and for all.

Meanwhile, Carmine fought Rock Heartbreaker with his voice while she continued to make loud rifts on her guitar, while Qui-Gon managed to find a vase with flower and water to splash the guard's face with, breaking him out of the spell.

Carmine held the note for a long time. But even though he sang from his diaphragm, his throat was starting to hurt, and he was running out of breath.

Luckily, Anakin and Mace soon arrived on the horses.

"How long has Carmine been singing like that?" Anakin asked Qui-Gon, seeing his brother's face beginning to turn red.

"At least the last ten minutes." Qui-Gon said.

Anakin was shocked Carmine hadn't lost his voice by now.

"Geez! I can't even hold a note for half a minute."

"Can you worry about your vocal skills later?" Strawberry said.

Anakin used the Force to throw Rock Heartbreaker into the wall, which made her stop playing the guitar, and gave Carmine a moment to catch his breath. Strawberry tried to swoop in and get the guitar, only for Rock Heartbreaker to play another rift and throw her across the hall, landing on a table and knocking down a vase, Strawberry knew was Caroline's favorite.

"Oh, Caroline's not gonna be happy about this." said Strawberry, getting a wet flower from the vase off her nose.

Mace began to approach Myra.

"Myra! Stop this right now!" Mace scolded.

"My name is Rock Heartbreaker!"

"No, it's not! Listen, I'm the one you're mad at, not the royal family. They did nothing to you! If you want to punish anyone, punish me!"

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