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The following day, my prep team arrives early. MJ, Flash, and Ned all seem rather sober as they order me off to the shower while they set up. Today is interview day.

After finishing my shower, I take my seat while MJ begins combing my hair. Everyone works in uncharacteristic silence until MJ dismisses the two boys – Ned is sniffling and even Flash looks sad. With a gruff "I can't work in this environment," she tells them to leave and let her finish. She works in continued silence until Erik arrives, after which she goes to leave.

But she pauses at the door to cast a look back at me. "Give them hell," MJ instructs, and then disappears.

I stand as Erik looks at me with a set expression. "Well, well, Loki," he states. "Let's get you ready for this interview."

"What am I wearing tonight?" I ask. "Any devious plans?"

Erik unzips the garment bag he was carrying and lays out the completely black suit I've worn before. "I have a couple ideas."

After I dress in the black suit, I look at Erik as I straighten the jacket. "Will I take on my armor tonight, Selvig?"

"I thought you might," Erik nods. "For your grand finale. But since the audience has seen your tricks before, you may want to add something new to it."

I incline my head. "Like what?"


As the time for the interviews approaches, I walk out and meet Veers. The sight of her makes me stop dead in my tracks, my heart rising in my throat as I realize the significance of my simple black suit in comparison with her outfit.

Veers wears a white dress.

A wedding dress, actually, of Midgardian design. A high neckline, simple string of pearls, tight bodice and a skirt that goes halfway down her calves that appears to float around her. Short gloves encase her hands, and a veil cascades down her back, covering her blonde hair.

My eyes feel like they are jumping out of my head, and my voice comes out strangled. "Veers?"

"Yes, Loki," Veers says, in a defiant voice. "It's me."

I look to Jane who's nearby for an explanation. She presses her lips together for a long moment before saying, "Thanos chose it."

I can almost hear his voice in my head, taunting. You did not prove your love for her when you were told to. Now it will be obvious you failed her.

And I know exactly what this is supposed to do. Erik and Darcy are forced to present us as partners to the audience, even though both of us cannot win. And if I so much as make a move against Veers, who is being presented to the audience now as my wife, I'll earn the eternal hatred of the districts. I'm being cornered into making sure I risk my life for hers, that I not drop the charade in the arena just to save my own life.

Something itches at the back of my mind...something about this does not add up. I must be missing a piece, for it seems like Thanos would not want to encourage me to be selfless in the arena. Unless he just wants to make sure I die, and I feel like there are other ways to do that than coercing me to take a bullet for my fake wife through an elaborate game of dress up.

I approach her and offer my arm, which she takes. "I hate that dress," I mutter. "You look lovely, but I hate the dress."

"So do I," she murmurs back. "Darcy wants me to wear the veil over my face until my interview, where you'll lift it back before sending me out to Luis."

More ritualistic wedding stuff. But wait...if this is Thanos' idea, why is Darcy playing along? I open my mouth to ask when Hela swoops over to us.

"All right, you know the drill. You are still allies and lovers to the audience, so maintain that illusion. Use the wedding apparel to your advantage. All right?"

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