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We hold Frigga's funeral the following day and all of Asgard turns out to bid their farewells to their beloved queen. My mother lies on a funerary ship resting on the water, which we watch float out to the horizon as archers shoot flaming arrows to reduce her to ashes. Thor and I stand, one to either side of Odin as we sorrowfully watch.

Behind us, the Asgardian people have gathered, all holding sorrowful silence. I hear some stifled sniffles and tears mark nearly every face, including my own. I have no strength for illusions today. I don't know if I'll have strength for them ever again.

Valkyrie and Heimdall stand near Thor, Odin, and I, as if keeping guard. If they are, then they have already failed, for my mother is dead and nothing can bring her back. Near them, Gamora and Nebula look on, dressed in black and silent as the grave. Volstagg and Fandral are also nearby in the crowd.

I haven't spoken to Gamora at all since Frigga's death. I wasn't there when she came to, and she hadn't sought me out. Right now, honoring my mother is the most important thing. Everything else will have to come after.

The essence of my mother rises to the heavens as the flaming boat reaches the edge of the sea, the edge of Asgard. Behind us, many Asgardians release glowing orbs of light, celebrating my mother's kindness and her sacrifice. The orbs drift up into the night sky, casting rippling reflections down on the water.

My fault. All my fault.

I know Veers is standing behind me, but I don't turn to look at her. She's dressed all in black, to mourn my mother, and despite my mother's acceptance of her, it still feels wrong. She's not part of this family, she never was, and I swear she never will be.

I don't know how long we all stand there, but eventually Ebony Maw and other members of the Black Order are making their way through the crowd, sending the Asgardians home. Odin, Thor, and I all tense, waiting for him to reach us but refusing to turn and acknowledge him. Maw may be the son of Thanos, but we are Asgardian royalty, and will not bend. Frigga will be mourned.

Soon, it's just us, Valkyrie, Heimdall, Gamora, Nebula, and Veers left, against the rest of the Black Order. Ebony Maw flicks his gaze condescendingly to his younger sisters, and then lifts his hand.

Chains fly out and wrap around Nebula, clacking around her wrists and shuddering around her ankles. She cries out in surprise, jerking away but to no avail. Gamora yanks at the chains but even her strength can't free her sister. Before she can do anything else, Maw curls his fingers inwards and Nebula flies toward him, the chain wrapping around her neck.

"Maw! Stop!" Gamora screams, wheeling on her older brother. "Leave her alone!"

"Nebula has betrayed our father and as such is no longer entitled to freedom," Maw intones as Nebula comes to a stop beside him, hovering chained in the air. "She will be returned to Thanos for his decision regarding her punishment."

"No!" Gamora yells, but just as she begins to sprint forward Thor grabs her arm, yanking her back into his chest. She's so shocked that she doesn't struggle, just stares on as Ebony Maw gives Odin a malicious smirk and turns, escorting the chained Nebula away.

"Father, do something," I find myself murmuring, but the request is hollow, hopeless. Maw can do whatever he wants and expect no consequences. He did kill Mother, after all, and he's still standing.

Odin swallows, and he looks so devastated, so old. It's like he's aged a century, standing beside me just now. "I wish I could, Loki. I wish I could."

"Gamora," Maw calls, his voice firm. "Come. We have work to do, carrying out Father's bidding."

Thor reluctantly lets go of Gamora, who strides off after her brother with her eyes cast down at the ground, refusing to look back at us. We watch the members of the Black Order disappear into the city before following ourselves, tracing our way back to the palace.

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