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As I'm walking away, I toss the cup in the trash can and a shiver runs down my spine as I feel a presence sneaking up behind me. My heart skips a bit as the person taps my shoulder. I can't help but let out a surprised yelp, as I turn around to see Ellie.

"Don't sneak up on me" I let out in a meaner tone than intended.

"Jeez, what put you in this mood? I could swear you were just laughing with that tall gloomy boy earlier" she teases me and I let out a low chuckle. "I thought you liked good boys, Maudie" she taunts.

"Trust me, the only emotion I could ever feel near him is anger" I roll my eyes, looking at him in the distance as he wanders through the festival, weaving in and out of people and food stalls.

"I want him if you don't" her face filled with animation as Silas shots as a glare, a wicked grin on his face.

"Suit yourself. What happened to douche bag Dean? Did he finally do something stupid?" I bat my eyes at her and the giggles. "Seriously, did he? I will end him if-"

"Stop it, Maude. He didn't. You didn't talk to me in two days and it gave me time to think about it. Maybe if I wasn't so busy walking beside him like a lost puppy, you wouldn't had to go through all that. I'm so sorry" she pulls me tightly in a hug. "I'm a terrible friend sometimes" her voice soft and sad.

"It had nothing to do with you. It's my fault I insisted to go there with him-"

"With him?" she waves her hand, gesturing towards Silas, who's now sitting on hay bale.

"I'm a terrible friend too" I ignore her question. "We take turns on that and it cancels itself out" I joke and her face eases with a smile.

"Well, as a terrible friend, I wanna honor our town's hero with some freshly baked apple pie" her contagious giggles make me ease up.

I've been so tense these past few days I forgot how it is to have a normal conversation.

"Two small apple pies, please" Ellie smiles at the man.

"Coming right away" he smiles, checking us out "two sweet pies for two gorgeous girls" I let out a fake chuckle and turn around to talk to Ellie.

As we're waiting for the apple pies, I no longer feel the warm rays of sun touching me, a sudden shadow falls over me, casting a veil of darkness on Ellie's face. Considering her flickering eyes and smile, I think the shadow can't be attributed to clouds but rather to a certain someone's presence, towering over me. I turn around to see Silas behind us, greeting Ellie.

"I thought I told you to stop following me" I snarl at him.

"I thought this was a public space" he snaps back. "Hi Blondie, I'm Silas" A coy smile tugs at the corners of Silas's lips as he locks eyes with Ellie, his voice dripping with a playful charm that stirs annoyance within me.

"I'm Ellie" she throws a shy smile, in awe of his presence.

"She's off limits, Silas. What do you even want from me? This-" I wave my hand between us "shouldn't exist. You're mean, ignorant and selfish and-"

"I'm mean? All you ever did was yell at me. You think you're too good, Huntress, all you see is the worst part in people, ant yet you're not so much different" my breath begins to halt. I hate being called out. I know he's right and it pisses me off so much that he can read me so good when he barely knows me.

Is this what everyone sees when they look at me? The tension lingers in the air as we're shooting icy glares to each other.

"Whatever this is-" Ellie gestures between us "I'm pretty sure can take place in another place, another time. Don't insult my friend like that. You know nothing about her. If you don't want to buy a pie, please go away" Ellie confronts him and I'm surprised she even does that. She never confronts anyone, especially people she doesn't know. "Please fight later and let me enjoy the festival in peace and quiet" she throws him a smile but the speech is interrupted by the man who handles us the pies.

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