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After we danced and kissed for quite some time now, I decide I reached my social battery limit for today so I make my way upstairs to find a room in which I can spend some time alone before heading back home with Ellie. If she's still heading home to me.

As I'm walking through the crowd of people spread everywhere in the house, I notice one of the rooms has a window on the ceiling that couldn't get me anywhere else than on the roof. It even has a ladder leaning against the wall so I get euphoric and step on it, only to disappoint myself as I unlock the latch and slide the window up.

"Really?" I pout "even the roof is occupied?" I mumble at the boy looming a few inches apart. He turned his head to me, shocked but lets out a chuckle as soon as he looks at my face.

"You again?" he raises an eyebrow and moves his head back as it were before.

"Do I know you?" I ask, trying to keep my balance as I am trying to find a place to sit.

"You shouldn't go drunk on the roof" he points out, side-eyeing me in my shameful attempt to sit down.

"I'm not drunk" I huff as I plop myself on the roof near him. I take a better look at his face and try to remember where we met. "You're pineapple boy" I realize, excited.

"Oh God" he mumbles under his breath, as he took a quick look at me.

I pull my knees up to my chest, wrapping my hands around them, as I rest my head on them, looking at the dark haired boy.

"So what's your name?" I ask, batting my eyes at him like I'm crazy.

"Silas" he answers and I burst out.

"Yeah right" I laugh. "No one is named that" I chuckle.

"Clearly I am" he says in a low tone and my laugh on my face dissolves when I realize he's being serious.

"Silas" I repeat blankly and hum. "Only Silas I ever heard of is a villain vampire from a book" I add. "Are you a villain?" I whisper tilting my head to him.

"Definitely" he turns his face to look at me, eyeing my face features.

"My name's Maude."

"Never asked" he glances over the forest ahead of us, playing again with his rings.

"You know, heartless-I don't care about shit-mysterious- type of boys is getting so old and lame now. You should change your tactics" I state, insulted.

"Oh yeah?" he hums in a low voice, turning his face to me.

Now that we're glancing at each other, I find myself checking his features a little too much. His hair sits perfectly as if we're not on the top of the roof and the wind is blowing in our faces, his jawline sharp, and everything on his face just looks... too good.

Well, now it's embarrassing. I clear my throat before starting to speak again, to break the weird glancing between us.

"Oh-kay mysterious boy" I break the silence "let's play a game".

"Why?" he asks completely uninterested.

" 'Cuz I'm bored" I scrunch my nose.

"Why don't you go home then?" he inquires flatly. I swear this boy has no emotion on his face. Or at all.

"Because annoying you seems funnier, Silas" I answer in an unnerving tone. "And ouch. My ego hurt. Twice" I place my hand on my chest as a sign of being stabbed in the heart. He smirks and shakes his head.

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