24. "Wish U The Best - Lewis Capalidi"

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Mike looked over at Eddie and Steve and thought for a moment.
"Morning." He said back before standing up and walking out of the room. Will rubbed his eyes then got up and walked after Mike.
"Can we maybe not tell them that we are like a thing now? Like tell them at a different time. I just think that it will be a bit too much right now." Steve asked whilst looking at Eddie. Eddie smiled at Steve then kissed him on the forehead.
"Of course we can keep it a secret for a little longer Stevie." Eddie said. "I did kinda tell Will though." He finished. Steve laughed and Eddie was relieved he wasn't mad at him.

"Are you ok now?" Mike asked as he walked back in to the kitchen.
"Yes." El answered. "I'm sorry. I was just angry that you left me for Will. I'm happy that you're happy, but it's sad seeing you happy without me. I'm sad that you are so much happier now that I have left. Mike, I love you so much but I don't want you to feel bad for me. I will get over it eventually. I'm happy for you. I hope you and Will have a long and happy realtionship." Mike was confused. He didn't know what El had actually done and now he didn't know if he actually wanted to know what El had done.
"Eleven. What did you do?" Mike asked. Everyone was taken back but the use of El's full name but just brushed it off.
"I-just go upstairs and go into your room." The girl replied. Mike looked at her then turned around and went to his room.

He was shocked at what he saw. Everything that was still in his room had been fully trashed. His bed was flipped, his wardrobe was torn apart, his clothes were everywhere. The worst part though, was the fact everything him and Will had made together was  unsalvageable. Everything Mike took pride in was in his room, and a lot of that stuff was projects him and Will had made throughout the years. The boys had been friends since kindergarten, so naturally they teamed up on all projects in school. Mike always found a way to take them home and kept them in his room. It's like El knew those were his most prized possessions and targeted them. The only reason he could make out that they were indeed his projects was because he had spent so many years staring at them and reminiscing.

Mike walked over to the bookshelf they  were all kept on and just collapsed beside it. He picked up the few pieces that we not just ash and held them tight. Soon after, El walked in.
"Hey Mike."
Mike just looked at El.
"Look, I'm really sorry, I was just upset. You understand, right?"
"Upset?" Mike started, standing up. "When you're upset, you cry. Maybe ice a few people out. You don't destroy someone's whole fucking life!"
"Mike don't get mad at me. I'm sorry but I was just-"
"Upset, yeah, I know, you said! But like I said, upset doesn't mean destruct. You need to get your fucking feelings in check Eleven because if this is what you call 'upset' I would hate to see you fucking angry! You know, I'm angry now. I'm really fucking angry but you don't see me becoming a human fucking bulldozer!"
"Look I'm sorry I angered you Mike, but you have to understand-"
"Stop taking to be like I'm a fucking 1st grader! I'm 15! Do me a favour Eleven, stay out of my life." Mike said walking out.

Mike walked into the lounge to find Will, Eddie and Steve looking as though they were having a mother's meeting.
"Hey guys. What's... Going on?" Mike asked curious.
"Nothiiiiiing." They all days in unison in a very unconvincing voice.
"Right... Well I'm leaving." Mike says not believing them but saying what he came to say.
"What? Where are you going?" Will asked with a questioning look on his face.
"I just...I don't wanna be here anymore. It's a constant reminder of... Everything. You know. I think in gonna go to the park." Mike said trying to force a smile.
"Do you want me to come? Or do you wanna go alone?"
"Um, up to you. I don't mind." Mike said. He didn't really want Will to go but he didn't want to hurt his feelings.
"I think I'll stay for a while, if that's okay. I need to finish this conversation anyways." Will said knowing Mike's true feelings.
"Okay. Come find me when you're done."
"Okay, bye." Will said with a sympathetic smile.
"Love you," Mike said kissing and forehead. "Bye."

Just as Mike opened the door, Eleven came running down the stairs.
"Mike, wait!" She says as Mike shut the door. "Shit... Erm..." she stopped to think and decided to go after him.
"Go away, El." Mike knew who followed him.
"Wait. I just wanna talk. No shouting."
"Fine. What do you wanna talk about? How you trashed my room? How you ruined the memories I had with Will?"
"Mike. I know this isn't enough, but I'm sorry."
"You're right. It's not enough." Mike said coldly.
"But I can't change that. I was wrong for that, but I just wanna say that I want you be your friend."
"When I tried to be civil, you screamed at me. I guess we can't be friends because any time one of us gets comfortable, the other one ends up screaming and that's not fair to either of us. I'm sorry but this isn't working. It isn't healthy. Maybe we should just stay out of each others lives. At least for a little bit."
"Mike I-" El was tearing up.
"Wait. I'm not done," Mike started again in a more calm voice. "I do want to be your friend, but right now, neither of us are in the state of mind to be that for each other. I think we need a break to heal and we can go from there."
"Okay. This isn't trying to sound rude, but why do you need to heal Mike?"
"Okay, I'm going to take that as just a curious question," he said with a light hearted chuckle. "And it's because you hurt me, El. You hurt me in a way I never thought you would. When I went in my room today, it felt like a piece of my heart was ripped out. And not only that, but when I tried to call truce earlier and you just yelled at me, that hurt. I know I have yelled too and that wasn't right, but you have to know that I need time too. It's not just you. So for now, this is goodbye." Mike said and turned to walk away.
"Goodbye, Mike." El said crying. "Just for now."
"Just for now." Mike muttered whilst still walking.

A/N: you will have to have late chapters of no updates for a while. Apparently me and GCSE's, mixed with writing are not good😂
I will update when possible, but it's also finding the motivation because I spend free time revising so any time im on my phone I kinda just wanna shut off, yk. Anyways here you gooooooooo :))

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