21. "Love On The Brain - Rihanna"

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It had been a couple of hours since they were banished to Will's bedroom and Will was layed on his side, reading a comic. Mike slipped into bed next to him and pulled the covers up over himself. "You tired?" Will asked as Mike cuddled up to him. Instead of answering Mike just made a noise and nodded on Will's neck. "Ok. I will take that as a yes." Will said laughing. He put his comic down and turned around so he and Mike could cuddle. "Come here you big baby." Will said as he held Mike closer to him.

The next morning Will woke up and Mike was still clinging firmly onto his waist. Will tried to roll over and get up but Mike tightened his grip. "Mike, I need a piss. Can you get off please?" Will said trying to get away. Mike lifted his arm off of Will's waist and turned over. "Thanks."

Max was sitting on El's bed whilst El was looking for something to wear for the day. "So are Mike and Will like in a commited relationship or are they just fucking?" Max asked.
"I don't fucking know Max! AND I DONT WANNA FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT!" El yelled back.
"Fucking hell alright. I was just fucking asking." Max said getting up to leave. "I'm going home. I'll call you when I'm ready to go out, yeah." Max said as she left El's room.

"What was that?" Mike asked when Will returned.
"What was what?" Will asked shutting the door behind him.
"El. Yelling. She says something like she 'doesn't wanna talk about it'. I heard max say something to but I couldn't make it out."
"Oh yeah, I heard some yelling. Wonder what it was about."
"Hmm." Mike said in agreement. "Wanna find out?"
"Of course. You know me so well."

The pair made their way out of Will's room and down the hallway to El's room.
"El? You okay?" Will asked approaching.
"Fuck off." El said coldly.
"Wha- me?! What did I do?!" Will asked offended
"What didn't you do?! You stole my boyfriend, you completely fucked his life up and you had sex before me!!"
"Okay. Well. For one, I didn't steal Mike, he came onto me."
"Figuritively and literally." Mike whispered behind the door smirking.
"Mike. Not now." Will said trying to sound stern but desperately trying to suppress his embarrassment.
"Sorry." Mike said sniggering.
"Mike. Shut the fuck up. You literally fucked everything up for me." El said knowing Mike was there now.
"How. Literally, how." Mike said emerging into El's room from the hallway.
"What the fuck do you mean 'how'?! You slept with my brother! And technically, still haven't dumped me! So I dump you're ass!"
"Good because I'm gay! I am so gay. I honestly don't know how you didn't realise. I never wanted to go past you're shoulders and I'm a horny teenager! Was that not a big enough sign?!"
"I just thought you were frigid! How did you not know you were gay?!"
"It was easier to try dating girls and fuck them then to come out! And this is why! I didn't know I was gay trust me! I thought I liked you at first then something happened, something clicked."
"YES IT FUCKING DID! AND I'M SORRY FOR BEING WHO I AM BUT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU CAN LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Mike walked out then went back to Will's room. El had started crying and Will had been sobbing for a while.
"GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" El screamed throwing Will out of the room and into a wall with her powers, slamming the door behind him. Everyone had left their rooms and was listening in.

"Oh my god. Will, hunny, are you ok?" Joyce said running over to a sobbing Will who had curled up on the floor because she had hurt his head and his back. "Shhh shh it's okay. Come here." Joyce said picking Will up and bringing him to his room.

When they got there Mike was crying tears of anger from El's words and what she did to Will. He was curled in the corner of Will's room pressed between his closet and the wall.
"Mike are you okay hunny?" Joyce asked when her and Will entered.
"NO. NO IM NOT OKAY. IM FUCKING PISSED. I-" Mike couldn't get the words out. He was mad at what El had said and even more livid at what she did to Will. Worst of all though, he was devasted that he caused Will this pain. It was all his fault. If he didn't make the first move, yes Will would still be secretly in love with him, but Will and El would've still been fine and this whole thing wouldn't have happened. It wasn't all bad, but at this moment it felt like it was.
"Mike... please. Calm down." Will said still sobbing on his bed.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Will. And I shouldn't have shouted Joyce, I'm sorry." Mike stopped shouting and was just sobbing now.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." Mike just kept repeating those words.
"This isn't you're fault Mike." Joyce said trying to reassure Will by holding him and Mike by talking to him.
"It is. It really is. This is all my fault."
"Mike come out from there." Will pleaded. Mike got out from his corner and sat next to the crying boy on the bed.
"I'll leave you two to talk." Joyce said before rubbing Will's shoulder a final time and exiting, shutting the door behind her.

"Will I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. This is all my fault." Mike was still sobbing profusely.
"Mike this isn't you're fault. Stop saying that. If it's anyone's fault, it's El's." Will sounded annoyed.
"It's not her fault. I was in a relationship with her for 4 years whilst being gay. Then I left her without telling her. Then fucked her brother. Im a horrible person."
"Mike don't say that. It's okay. We'll think of something." Will held Mike and played with his hair until they both fell asleep.

A/N: mrsnobody65435 is to thank for this idea!!! Will develop more soon...

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