15. "The Way You Make Me Feel - Michael Jackson"

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When Mike got home he apologised to his mom quickly for leaving and hanging up then ran down to the basement. Luckily him and his mom were able to restore it from his little outrage.

He sat by his walkie-talkie and waited. He hoped to hear Will's voice. Ever since he left the Byers', he couldn't get the dark-blonde teen out his head.

After what seemed like an eternity, he heard Will's voice.
"Mike? Are you there?"
With 0 hesitation Mike replied.
"Yeah, yeah I'm here." He was so happy to hear Will's voice that he couldn't contain himself.
"I had a que- hang on. How did you answer so fast? Were you waiting for me?" Will asked smirking.
"Ummm. Is it really sad if I say 'yes'?" Mike asked, full honesty at this point.
"No, not sad. I think it's quite cute actually." Will said giggling.
"God shut up." Mike said embarrassed but joining in on the laugh. "Anyway, you had a question?"
"Oh yeah erm. Wait no one's around right?"
"No, no. Ask whatever, no one can hear us. Unless they can hear you there?"
"Okay, and no everyone left again. Erm... what...what are we?"
Mike thought for a second "That...That's a good question."
"Cuz normally I would want to go for like boyfriend, but you already have a girlfriend..." Will's voice trailed, showing his sadness and sensitivity around the topic.
"Soon to be ex. I'm gonna break up with her tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?!" Will asked.
"Would you rather me do it tonight? Because I can if you want-"
"No I thought it was a bit early to be fair. You and El don't seem to be going through a rough patch so it's just a bit odd for people to randomly break up."
"That's...not entirely true."
"How come?"
"Well, El and I got into a pretty big fight last week and honestly I'm still mad and I think she is too. She just knows how to hide it."
"You did? About what?" Will was not only curious for his friend but also wanted to know how he missed it and why Mike didn't tell him when he was obnoxiously rambling about El the day prior.
"About you, Will."
"Me?" Will asked heartbroken.

It's true that Will couldn't wait for the two to end things, but he didn't want to be the sole reason they were fighting, especially before the boys got together.

Mike could tell Will was feeling guilty now.
"Not like anything was your fault. It's just you were the topic. I kept talking about you when me and El went on our date and she was getting annoyed, but I didn't stop. She asked why everything was always about you and why she never got attention anymore. I didn't know what to say because I didn't realise it was because I was in love with you, so I just blanked and said it was because your my best friend. She was getting pissed saying that she was my girlfriend and shit and I should pay more attention to her than my best friend and I may have said I liked you more than her sometimes... I didn't mean it. Well I did. But I didn't want to say that and started apologising and telling her not to be mad at you. She said she was never mad at you, only me. That's why I didn't tell you. Because it was kinda about me liking you, and El wasn't gonna say anything, so I didn't see the point. I'm really sorry I kept it from you."

Will and to take a moment to absorb all the information.
"No that's fine. I would've done the same thing. So are you just going to say you're not over the fight?"
"Yeah I guess. But don't worry I'll make sure she doesn't come after you. I'll say...I'll say that I don't appreciate how she thinks my life has to revolve around her as my girlfriend and I think I need some space. Yeah. That'll do it."
"Just don't say anything about you paying me more attention."
"Because then when she finds out were together it will prove her point that you were prioritising me and for a reason, and she'll just get mad all over again."
"Ohhhh truee. That's smart."
"Thank you." Will said humbly.
"So that settles it. From tomorrow, when I break up with El, I'm your boyfriend."
"And I'm yours." The way Will said that statement made it sound like he was trying to tell himself that more than anything.
"Crap my dad's coming. I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Love you bye."

Before Will could register he heard radio silence. Mike just said he loved Will. Again. This was real.
"Love you too..." Will said smiling to himself.

The Bad Touch - Byler Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu