19. "Please Notice - Christian Akridge"

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Mike and Will were cuddling for awhile until Will realised they should probably take a shower. He wiggled out of Mike's grasp and stood up.
"Where are you going?" Mike asked, propping himself up with his elbow. Will turned to look at him then smiled at the cute sight before answering
"To have a shower. Wash all your nastiness off of me. I feel gross."
Mike's face fell and he pretended to act hurt.
"Oh no! How dare he call me such names." He threw his hand over his head and layed back on the bed in defeat. Will giggled at this then smiled.
"Stop being so dramatic. Now you coming or not?"

After they had finished their shower they went back to Will's room and Mike just flopped onto Will's bed. "Get off my bed! You're all soggy!" Said Will walking in and chucking the towel that was wrapped around his waist at Mike. Mike layed it down on Will's bed then sat on it. "I'm not on your bed anymore. Also don't you need to wash these sheets?"
Will just turned around whilst pulling some grey sweatpants out of his closet.
"Yeah I do, but I can't be bothered." Will said whilst pulling up the sweatpants. He carried on looking then found a sweater, which he put on straight away.
"Now I'm warm and cozy." He said to himself.

"You got any of them for me?" Mike asked half joking, half serious.
"Sweatpants?" Will asked, just to be clear.
"Noooooo." Mike said sarcastically. "I mean the hairs on your head. Yes sweatpants." He said the last sentence with a smile.
"Erm, yeah, I think I have some that will fit." Will said turning around and looking through his bottom draw for Johnathan's hand-me-downs that didn't fit him yet.
"They make your ass look good. You should wear them more often." Mike said not looking away from the sight in front of him.
"Thanks..." Will said shyly. He was blushing like crazy now and sat on his knees rather than just being bent over.

"These will fit." Will said throwing a pair of navy sweatpants at the boy who was still staring.
"Thanks" Mike said unraveling the towel that sat at his waist and folding it neatly.
"You don't have to do that, you know." Will said walking over and sitting on the bed, next to where Mike was.
"Do what?" Mike said pulling his pants up and sitting next to the boy.
"Fold the towel. You always put everything back neatly."
Mike looked a little upset by what Will said.
"It's not a bad thing," Will quickly followed up with. "It's cute, and helpful, it's just I don't even do that and I have lived here my whole life."
"I guess I just got a lot of shit back home from the small things like this."
"Aww I'm sorry." Will said comforting Mike with a hug. "Well, here you won't get that so as much as it is helpful, you can relax a bit now."

"I should get some clothes." Mike said changing the subject.
"Huh?" Will asked confused. "You have clothes, Mike" Will chuckled lightly.
"No I mean like I need some clothes here. I keep stealing yours."
"Oh yeah. I guess you do. But you do look pretty damn good in my clothes." Will said lightly kissing Mike's shoulder.
"You mean Johnathan's clothes." Mike said laughing. "There's no way I would fit in your clothes I am way more muscular than you."
"That you definitely are. I'm so weak." Will said laughing. He had an idea. "I bet you couldn't take everything from my bed- towels and old clothes included- to the washroom in one trip."
"Oh you wanna bet?" Mike loved a challenge so didn't see the devious look on Will's face.
"Do it then, if you think you're so strong."
"I will. Move." Mike said smiling.

Will got off the bed and Mike bundled everything together. He grabbed everything and waddled to the washroom, placing everything in the washing machine when he got there.
"See I did it. Easy." Mike said triumphantly.
"Thank you." Will said in the same tone.
"Thank y- HEY!" Mike yelled. Will had already ran away giggling. Since he was there Mike put the washing machine on and started to get the clothes clean before leaving.
"You sneaky bitch." He said upon his return.
"Sorryyy," Will said unconvincingly. "The opportunity was right there."
"Next time it's your turn, okay?"
"Fineee." Will said faking sadness. Mike slightly smiled at him before grabbing some new sheets out of the top of Will's closet and putting them on the bed.

Mike and Will were both layed on the bed just talking.
"So if you could be any animal, what animal would you be?" Mike asked laughing slightly.
"Hmmmmmm I don't know. Maybe a dog. Like a rescue dog you know." Will answered after a lot of thinking. Mike was confused.
"Why a rescue dog?" Mike asked, tilting his head slightly.
"Because even though they weren't loved, they are loved now and even though they went through a lot, they are still so cute." Will answered jumping up off the bed. Mike smiled softly as he felt his heart melt for this boy.
"Do you want a lollipop? We have red, blue, purple, orange, yellow, green and pink flavour." Will said.

Mike looked up to see Will had left the room. He stood up and walked out finding Will in the kitchen.
"You do know those aren't flavours, they're colours." Mike said hugging Will from behind.
"Do you want one or not?" Will asked grabbing a red one and unwrapping it. He then licked it praying it wasn't a watermelon flavoured one.
"Oooooo cherry." He said before putting it in his mouth pushing Mike's arms off of him and walking to the couch. Mike grabbed a green one and walked over to Will. Before he could sit down the front door opened.
"We're back." Joyce yelled.

The Bad Touch - Byler حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن