2. "Wish You Were Gay - Claud"

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Will had just got home after the big argument with Mike. He spent the whole ride crying his eyes out, almost crashing on many occasions - rain, tears, and anger are not a good combination when riding a bike.

He just didn't understand why Mike would say something like that. Did he know Will was secretly gay? Did he know who he liked? No. He wouldn't have been so...casual with it. He did have decency in him. Still, did he just mean Will didn't have a girlfriend? Or did he know? Will had so many questions in his head. He was so overwhelmed. He didn't know what to do. So, he did the only thing he could think of.

He cried himself to sleep. It took hours but he did eventually manage the sleeping part. However, this was interrupted at about 6:35 am the next morning by an obnoxious caller spamming Will's house's phone.

"Ugh. Oh my godd who is calling? It's 6-fucking-thirtyyyyy" Will whined.
"Hello? This better be good whoever you are. I am in no mood for a fucking spam caller right now so just hang up if you-"
"Will? It's...It's Mike."
"Oh...What do you want?" His tone was softer than before. "It's too early."
"Will I'm so so sorry I wasn't thinking. I don't know why I said that, please forgive me. I'm so-"
"You know an apology would've been nice yesterday." Will said with a soft chuckle to try lighten the mood.
"I know I'm sorry" Mike said, now less flustered and ranting.
"It's ok, Mike. You know I could never be mad at you. Not really" Will answered, knowing deep down he was never really mad at Mike.
"Will, what did you mean yesterday when you said you weren't into girls? Like if your gay I don't mind. I won't be disgusted or anything I just want to know what you meant." Mike whispered when he said 'gay' as if it was a slur. Will felt hurt by that, thinking Mike was scared of even saying the word. The thing Mike was actually scared of though, was his dad hearing him say it since he was in the kitchen on the phone, and his dad was asleep in the living room.

After a good ten minutes of general conversation, Mike hung up pretty abruptly. Will was once again hurt by this, not knowing the true reasons. Mike had to hang up because his father awoke. He didn't know if his dad had heard the conversation with his mom after explaining why he ruined the den, if he did, he probably clocked the fact that Will was gay, even though his mom hadn't. He couldn't take that risk as his dad wouldn't be polite or quiet about his views on the whole thing.

Will was very confused as to why Mike hung up so abruptly but he was very hurt by it. He sat on his bed with his knees to his chest and began sobbing. He didn't even think about how loud his sobs were, because he didn't care. He had realised he liked Mike - like that - when he was 14. It has been about a year since he realised and the year was terrible. He just always thought to himself 'why can't you be normal!!!' He just wished Mike was gay and understood. He wished people would just not care.

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