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Titanium threads of memories
weave together our childhood.
We are intertwined;
Two wings of the same butterfly.

We were each other's forever playmates
Pretending to be creatures of shadows and light
running among the trees.

We tried to be different but we were always the same.
She was the sky and I was the ocean;
I delved into the depths of thought
While she soared higher than most thought sane.

We could never agree on anything.
Yet the winds and the storms
could never keep our horizons from meeting.

Then we were trapped in a cage.
A prism of isolation
where we could see the world
but the world couldn't see us.

All friends were lost;
All sense of normalcy gone.

But in the silence, two became one.
till the end of time.

From the Silent GirlWhere stories live. Discover now