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The Bite

The Bite

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"They said they were building something and it was all for me." El fills the group in on what happened in the void, Benji sits close beside the girl on the couch holding her hand in comfort, unbeknownst to Mike's jealous eyes on their interlaced hands.

"Building something..." Max thinks aloud, "Is he talking about the flayed?"

"He must be." Nancy sighs and Benji pinches the bridge of his nose,

"This is shit," he stands up and begins to pace like Lucas, "We are in deep shit."

"So, they're building an army," Lucas ignores his best friend's words, "Just like we thought."

"Yeah," Mike nods, "But they're not building this army to spread-"

"They're building it to stop Eleven." Will finished Mikes sentence before the black haired boy continues,

"Last year, El closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off."

"Like royally."

"And the mind flayer now knows that she's the only thing that can stop him," Mike explains, "But if she's out of the way-"

"Game over."

"But why El?" Max furrows her brows, "Missy had just as much as a part to play in closing the gate on him last year as she did. I mean, she was literally the one that managed to pull him out of Will in the end."

"It doesn't make any sense." Lucas shakes his head, "There must be another reason he wanted her to join his army."

"They also said he was gonna kill all of you." El speaks up shakily and Benji feels his chest rising and falling even faster,

"Well that's shit. This is all shit, I mean we are in deep shit right now."

"Benji, relax will you?" Mike exclaims, "All this pacing isn't going to solve anything."

"Mike, shut up!" The Nelson boy raises his voice and all of his friends watch in shock, "Just shut the hell up for once in your damn life! You don't know how I feel - you don't understand how fucking exhausting this is."

"I don't understand?" Mike yells back and Benji walks towards him until he's towering over the boy sitting on the couch,

"No, Mike, you don't understand!" He gestured to El, "Yes, your girlfriend, or ex, or whatever she is to you right now may be in danger - but at least you're together. Right now, Missy is out there somewhere infected by this disease from another dimension. We don't know where she is, we don't know if she's safe, we don't even know how we're going to get this shit out of her because her situation is completely different to Will's considering the heat doesn't even affect her! And I have to sit here and listen to you all plan out all the different ways we can end the flayed - which mostly includes killing her!" His voice breaks and Mike looks down, unable to meet his friend's teary eyes, "So, no, Mike, you don't understand what it's like, because in the best case scenario right now, you know that the love of your life is going to survive this shit."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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