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The Pollywog

The Pollywog

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The next morning, Benji is awoken to the sound of a knock on his bedroom door and his older sister poking her head in.

"Lexi? What do you want? It's like 7am," the boy groans, his voice husky with sleep.

Lexi sighs before entering and gently closing the door behind her as she sits on the boys bed.
"I need to talk to you about something."

He sits up and gestures for her to go on - she sighs before continuing,

"Last night I went to a Halloween party and Missy was there. I found her with a cigarette in her hand and she had definitely had something to drink,"

Benji's eyes widen at the revelation,

"I took her up to the bathroom and had a talk with her - she's really stressed, Benji."

"Why was she at a party? What did you make her do with the cigarettes? I mean, I knew something was wrong but I didn't realise it was this bad!"

"Shh.. Relax, she hasn't got anymore cigarettes - I checked her purse and coat pockets when she fell asleep. It's not my place to tell you why she went, okay? You can ask for yourself. She's in my room and we need to wake her up so that you can both get ready for school, but maybe you guys should talk first?" The older girl suggests and Benji nods almost instantly before jumping out of bed.

Lexi hands him some painkillers and a glass of water, "She's probably gonna have a bit of a hangover - give her these."

She leads him to her room and they both head inside, closing the door behind them. Benji's eyes fall on the pile of blankets covering Missy, her hair wildly tossed over the pillows. Light snores can be heard making the boy smile to himself.

Lexi heads over to the girl and gently shakes her awake. She is quickly greeted with a groan as Missy buries her head beneath the pillows and blankets.

"Miss," Benji whispers as he sets the glass down onto the bedside table, "Can we talk?"

Missy's head pokes out from the bed, her eyes half shut and a pained expression on her face.

"Here," he hands her the medication, "To help with the headache."

Lexi watches from her bay window with a smile as they interact, the younger girl quickly swallowing the tablets.

"I'm sorry, Benji." Are the first words that come out of Missy's mouth.

He sighs slightly as she continues, "I'm sorry I didn't go trick-or-treating with you. I'm sorry I went to that stupid party, I'm sorry I didn't throw away the cigarettes and I'm even more sorry that I smoked the rest of them."

Benji pulls the girl into his embrace, cutting off her rambling as the smell of vanilla shampoo invades her senses.

"I'm not gonna say it's okay, Miss - it's not. It's not okay that you were smoking, or that you went to a party and got drunk, or that you lied to me. But I do forgive you - Missy, you're my best friend and I just don't want you to get hurt."

The strawberry blonde boy kisses her temple and she relaxes under his touch, "What would I do without you, Ben?"

"Die of smoke in inhalation."

Missy sends him a blank look and he smirks slightly, "Too soon?"

Missy's stern face breaks and she cracks a smile, "You're such an airhead."

"Your favourite airhead!"

Missy groans dramatically and falls back into the bed as the boy laughs. Lexi soon remembers something else from the night before,

"Wait, we forgot to tell you what else happened!"

The two turn to the girl, one confused and the other with wide eyes.

"Missy found her power, she can set things on fire."

Benji's eyes widen like saucers as he mutters to himself, "Pyrokinesis."

"What?" The girls hum and he turns to them both, his eyes full of excitement,

"You have pyrokinesis!"

"One more time - in English."

Benji rolls his eyes before he takes a candle from Lexie's desk and places it on the bedside table beside Missy, "The ability to set things on fire," he exclaims before gesturing to the candle, "Focus on the wick of this candle, visualise it burning - the heat of the flame getting warmer and bigger."

The wick sparks slightly and Benji smiles as he continues to guide the girl, "Now keep that in mind but think about all your emotions, imagine turning all the stress and negativity into energy - into heat, into a flame."

Missy's eyebrows furrow as she focuses all her attention onto the wick, all the emotions rushing back to her as she envisions them transforming into sparks. Her hand reaches out in front of her like she had seen Eleven do in the past, her teeth clench hard and her eyes squint.

Suddenly a flame erupts from the wick and the other two applaud her. Benji rushes over to his best friend and pulls her into a hug, "You did it, Miss! You're basically a superhero now."

"Oh my god, I have superpowers!"

"That was amazing Miss!" Lexie joins the two on the bed but their joy soon runs out with the sound of her alarm clock.

The younger two groan when she tells them to get ready for school but they comply without too much of a fuss - Missy takes some leggings to borrow from Lexie's closet.

Benji leads his best friend into his bedroom and hands her a hoodie - his favourite hoodie. The shorter girl takes it to the bathroom and changes before she comes back into the room.

Benji's eyes gaze over to the girl and he feels a blush rise to his cheeks at the sight of her wearing his clothes.

"What?" Missy's eyebrows furrow as she notices his stare.

"You're pretty."

Missy's cheeks tint pink and the boy begins to ramble, "I mean you, uh, you look pretty....Nice! Nice, you look nice-"

The girl chuckles at his stuttering and gently pecks him on the cheek, "Thank you, airhead. But I'm literally just dressed in a hoodie and leggings."

Benji smiles before opening a drawer and placing something in Missy's hand. She looks down to see and new packet of bubblegum and her smile widens, "My favourite."

"I know."

"Guys, c'mon! You'll be late for school." Lexies voice can be heard as footsteps descend downstairs.

Benji takes Missy's hand and pulls her down the stairs and out the house. They quickly mount their bikes and make their way to school.

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