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The Mind Flayer

The Mind Flayer

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The scientist then goes to say something but the door thrashes open and something pounces onto her. Missy is shocked to see that the beast seems to be a baby Demogorgon and it's feeding on the woman in front of her.

The monster then turns to look at the young girl but as it goes to pounce, she throws her hands out and a ball of fire shoots towards it, burning it alive. Missy takes the opportunity to rush out of the room and down the hall.

The stench of blood in the air is enough to make bile rush up Missy's throat but she continues running. Dead bodies litter the lab, blood smeared up the walls and the guts dragged out of people's torn up stomachs are tossed in every direction.

Missy hears a growl from around the corner and sprints into the nearest room, closing the door behind her. As the Demogorgon nears the room, Missy takes a step back and trips onto something on the floor.

She looks down at what she landed on top off, only to see the lifeless eyes of a scientist staring up at her. She brings a shaky hand up to her mouth and fights the urge to either scream or vomit as she swiftly crawls off of the body.

Something seems the catch the attention of the monster lurking outside the room as it swiftly sprints off in the opposite direction.

A tear falls down the petrified girl's face but she stands up on wobbly legs and approaches the door, wiping the tear away. She waits for a minute and when she doesn't hear anything, she hesitantly opens the door.

She lets out a sigh of relief when there are no more monsters to be seen and she slowly walks down the corridor, not wanting to draw any attention to herself by running.

Missy winces when she hears a Joyce's distant screams and against her better judgment, her pace picks up.

Her walk becomes a jog, which becomes a sprint as she tries to find the exit. Suddenly, a Demogorgon speeds around the corner taking her by surprise as it pounces on her, knocking her down to the floor.

It roars in her face, allowing Missy to see the sets of hundreds of razor sharp fangs in its flower shaped head, spit flying into her mouth when she opens it in surprise.

Before it can take a bite out of her, it's pushed into the wall by another one of her flames and is knocked unconscious on impact.

Missy doesn't allow herself to breath a sigh of relief as she flees the scene. Rushing in the direction of already opened doors.

Finally she finds the exit, only to see about five Demogorgons feeding on the body of Bob Newby. Her eyes widen when they look up at her, getting ready to pounce onto her as well.

Missy rushes over to the door but they cut her off, growling at the girl as they block the exit. More and more of them entering the room and surrounding her hungrily until she lets out a piercing scream.

 More and more of them entering the room and surrounding her hungrily until she lets out a piercing scream

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Benji squints against the harsh winds as he gets into Hopper's van along with the others and looks around to see no sight of his best friend. Before Hopper can drive away, Benji speaks up.

"Wait!" The car stops and everyone looks to Benji, "Where's Missy? I thought she was with you guys?"

They all share a look and Mike speaks, "We don't know. She was taken into another room for some tests and we haven't seen her since."

Benji shakes his head, tears filling his eyes as he glances at the Demogorgon infested lab, "No! She can't be..."

Hopper looks at the boy with a sympathetic expression.

"She can't be dead!" He cries, "You don't know that!"

"That place is swarming with those monsters," Hopper states, "We barely made it out, there's no way a little girl could alone."

Lexie pulls her brother into a hug and the chief goes to drive away only to stop again when they hear a piercing scream.

They turn to face the lab, only to see a large flame engulfing the reception area and the silhouette of a young girl rushing outside.

"Is that...?" Max questions with a hopeful smile as Benji rushes out of the car.

The boy ignores the yells of those still in the car as he runs towards the girl. Her brunette hair is matted with blood and her white shirt is stained red from the body she fell on top of. Blood is dripping from her nose and her mascara is running but it's her. It's his beautiful Missy.

He pulls the shaking girl into a tight hug as they both cry.

"I thought I lost you!" Benji chokes out, tears rushing down his cheeks as sobs into his chest.

"I thought I was gonna die, Benji," she cries and it begins to rain, "It was so close to happening so many times in there."

"But you didn't!" He hugs her tighter, "God, I'm so glad you didn't. I don't know what I would have done."

He leads Missy back to the car and helps her in, her whole body is shaking with fear and the breeze is starting to pick up even more outside. Hopper begins to drive home, glancing in the mirror to see the devastating state of the young girl.

Everyone watches as the usually emotionless girl begins to break down. Tears fall down her cheeks as she hides her face in the crook of Benji's neck. Her body shakes as loud sobs leave her mouth and thunder cracks in the sky.

Benji pays no mind to the other people in the car, his whole focus being on the terrified girl in front of him. He rubs his hand up and down her back in comfort and kisses her temple, "You're safe now, Miss." he whispers every so often, "I've got you, it's gonna be okay."

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