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The Gate

The Gate

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After arriving at the cabin, Missy helps Nancy and Joyce carry the heaters in while Jonathan carries in Will.

"Cozy." Missy nods as she glances around before noticing the looks being sent to her, "What? It is."

Nancy tilts her head in agreement, "I guess it's kinda nice."

Joyce finds a fireplace and nods, "We'll do it here."

The older teens move a bed in front of the fireplace while Missy sets up the heaters surrounding it. Jonathan then place Will onto the bed and Joyce stocks the fire with logs.

Before she can strike a match, Missy stops her, "Allow me." The young girl then places a hand onto the logs and after a moment or two, a fire starts.

Meanwhile, Jonathan and Nancy strap Will's unconscious body to the bed.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jonathan questions, not liking the view of his youngest brother in front of him.

"This thing has had Will long enough," Joyce glares, "Let's kill this son of a bitch!"

They turn on all the heaters and Will soon wakes up from the heat. Sweat trickles down his forehead and it doesn't take long for him to try pulling against the restraints.

"What's happening?" He grunts in pain, "It hurts. It hurts!" He screams, "It hurts! It hurts! Let me go! Let me go! It hurts!"

Missy covers her faces slightly, chewing quickly on the piece of gum in her mouth.

Will screams and yells and just when Missy thinks that Joyce will turn off the heater, she actually turns it all the way up.

"Mom!" Jonathan complains when she continues to turn all the others up too.

"No!" Joyce screams back.

Will shakes on the bed, a loud, pained screech coming from the back of his throat as he yells out in pain.

Jonathan turns, burying his head into Nancy's neck, unable to look at his brother's state.

He continues to scream in pain and Jonathan shakes his head, "It's not working. It's not working! Mom, are you listening to me?"

"Just wait!"

"How much longer?" He gestures to Will's tortured state, "Mom, look at him!"

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