Chapter 8: The Outsiders (Part 1)

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Jughead VO: The Coopers

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Jughead VO: The Coopers. The Stepfords of Riverdale. High school sweethearts who got married and had two beautiful daughters, Polly and Betty... Until Jason Blossom happened. And now, we would hear from the person who was closest to him those days leading up to his disappearance... Polly Cooper.
How a casual conversation turned into an epic, forbidden romance. How, for reasons still murky, theirrespective parents tried to tear them apart.
How their break-up was short-lived, because Polly soon learned she was pregnant with Jason's baby.
How they became secretly engagedwith his grandmother's blessing and her heirloom ring, and made plans to run away together, to start a new life.
And how their dreams of escape went up in flames.

- - - - THE PEMBROKE - - - -
At the Pembroke Polly, joined by Betty, Gwen, and Veronica, is recounting the events that led to Jason's disappearance to Sheriff Keller and Deputy Sheriff Stacy.

Deputy Sheriff Stacy: That was the last day you saw him?

Polly: At Pop's, when he told me the plan, that he was gonna fake his own death, and then we would meet up.
But, before that could happen, my mom and dad sent me away.

Betty: One of Jason's teammates said that before he ran away, Jason was dealing drugs.

Polly: Making a one-time delivery. He needed... We needed money. To get away and to start over.

Sheriff Keller: So Riverdale's star football player becomes a drug mule?

Polly: He went to a bar on the other side of the tracks and made a deal with some biker gang.

Deputy Sheriff Stacy: The Serpents?

Polly: He got an address upstate, where he was supposed to deliver the drugs in exchange for cash.

Deputy Sheriff Stacy: The drugs you found in Jason's car.

Betty Yeah...

Sheriff Keller: ....that went up in flames.

Polly: Along with everything I had left of Jason, including the ring his nana gave me, which he was keeping until...

As Polly continued to recount, she then begins to break down and starts to cry. Hermione, being a nurturing mother, sees this and decides that it's best for the two officers to go.

Hermione Lodge: Okay, you two, I think that's enough for tonight. I think Polly needs her rest.

Sheriff Keller: We'll be in touch, ladies.

   As the two lawman head for the door, Deputy Sheriff Stacy stops in the doorway and feeling bad for what Polly is going through, he turns around and gives her some kind words.

Deputy Sheriff Stacy: I'm sorry for your loss, Polly. I'll see you at home, Gwen.

After making that statement, Deputy Stacy walks into the hallway, leaving the four girls in the living room area. Overwhelmed with emotion, Polly rests her head on Betty shoulder leading Betty to comfort her.

SPIDEY: Season 1 (Riverdale x Spider-Man)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora