Chapter 6: Faster PussyCat Kill, Kill (Part 3)

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          - - - - RIVERDALE HIGH PHOTO LAB - - - -     A few hours later, during after school hours, Peter is in the photo lab, working on some recently took photos, when suddenly he hears a knock on the door

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A few hours later, during after school hours, Peter is in the photo lab, working on some recently took photos, when suddenly he hears a knock on the door.

Peter: Come in.

The door opens and, to Peter surprise, Josie walks in to the photo lab. Peter's full attention has now been given to whatever Josie wants.

Peter[cont.]: Josie?

Josie: Hey, Pete. What are you doing?

Peter: Uhm, just working on some photos. What's up?

Josie: I have a request for you... would you mind pretending to be my date?

Peter's eyes almost jump out of his head, with hearing Josie say that. Why, of all people, would she ask me? He wondered, to himself.

Peter: Your what?

Josie: My dad is visiting and Flash is not the most... table friendly. So, just for tonight, I wanna...

Peter: Create an illusion for your Dads approval. Must say I've never been an escort before. Why not?

Josie: Really?! Oh thank you, Petey.

Peter: No problem.

With excitement, and not controlling her actions, Josie gives Peter a big hug and holds him tight. Taken off guard by this, seconds later Peter returns the hug and slowly holds Josie tight.

Josie: Peter?

Peter: Yeah.

Josie: Do you work out? because you're all muscles

    Peter immediately breaks away, from Josie, as does his best to come up with some excuse.

Peter: Oh yeah, I do... Pilates. So, what time should I be there?

Josie: Meet us at the Pembroke at 6:30, tonight, okay?

Peter: Sure, I'll be there.

Josie: Thank you, so much. See ya later.

Peter: See ya.

After Josie walks out of the photo-lab, Peter lets out a deep sigh and puts his head in his hands.

Meanwhile Betty, Gwen, and Jughead arrive at the sisters of quiet mercy, which, from the outside, looks like something Tim Burton or the Addams Family would call home. Betty looks upon the building with deep sympathy, for her sister, that she would be stuck in a place like this. Jughead notices this and tries his best to cheer her up.

Jughead: Hey. Don't judge a home for troubled youths by its facade, right?

Betty let's out a deep breath, as the three of them walk inside the building. Once the three teens walk inside the building they approach the front desk office, wear a nun is seated.

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