Chapter 3: Body Double (Part 4)

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                       - - - - PARKER HOME - - - -     After a long and tiring day, Peter finally returns home and sees Aunt May in the kitchen

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                       - - - - PARKER HOME - - - -
     After a long and tiring day, Peter finally returns home and sees Aunt May in the kitchen.

Peter: Hey, Aunt May.

Aunt May: Peter, just in time. Dinner is almost ready.

As Peter puts his stuff down, he notices some envelopes under the vase of flowers. He looks over to see if Aunt May doesn't see him and he quietly pulls them out. He looks through them to see that they're past due notices. It was at the moment that Peter realizes how financially in trouble the two were.

Aunt May[cont.]: Ok, Dinner is officially ready. You better hurry, before it gets cold.

Peter stood there wondering how was Aunt May able to keep a calm and cool attitude, knowing how deep under water they were. For her sake, Peter put on his best acting face and walked over to the dinner table as if nothing was wrong, but on the inside he was hurting.

The next day, at school, Peter is in the photo lab, processing some recent photos he took. As he's deep in his photo work, taking his mind off the bills Aunt May is struggling with, he suddenly hears a knock at the door. He turns around to see Gwen waving and seeing if she can come in and Peter gives a nod if approval.

Gwen: Hey

Peter: Hey, haven't seen you in awhile.

Gwen: Yeah, I've just been busy.

Peter: With whatever's going on, with Chuck?

Gwen pauses after hearing this. How the hell did Peter know what was going on? She wondered, until a sudden realization occurs in her mind.

Gwen: Harry told you?

Peter: He also told me you two were on... weird terms, right now.

Gwen: He didn't have any right to...

Peter: I know, but maybe...

Before Peter could finish that statement, he looks over Gwen's shoulder to see a familiar face. Harry walks in with a sullen look on his face. Gwen turns away not wanting to look Harry in the face. Peter knew that these two needed to talk, so he grabbed his book bag off the near by table and began heading to the door

Peter[cont.]: I'll give you two some privacy.

Before Peter heads out, he gives Harry a reassuring pat on the shoulder as he walks out the door. Now alone, Harry and Gwen just stand there for what feels like hours not saying a word to each other. With all the strength he has in him, Harry takes a deep breath and decides to be the one to break the ice.

Harry: Gwen, I'm sorry. Okay what I said was completely uncalled for and... I just want make things right, with you.

No reaction, not even a twitch, is coming from Gwen. Harry knew he had sound as sincere as he could, in order to make things right with her.

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