Chapter 2: A Touch of Evil (Part 4)

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    After the fight, at the student commons, Peter, who's also joined by Gwen, is sitting in the nurses office, getting checked out

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    After the fight, at the student commons, Peter, who's also joined by Gwen, is sitting in the nurses office, getting checked out. Miraculously Peter was left with out any bruises or scratches, from the punch. This confounded the nurse, as she finishes up checking on him.

Nurse: Well, Mr.Parker, I must say you have some pretty thick skin.

Peter: What can I say? Flash must be losing his touch.

Nurse: Just to be safe I'm gonna write you a note, that excuses you to leave early from school. In case you have a concussion.

Peter: Thank you.

Nurse: I won't be long.

    After the Nurse walks out, Peter and Gwen are now left alone. As Peter looks around, his eyes hit Gwen who's staring at him without saying a word.

Peter: What? Something in my teeth?

Gwen: When we were kids, just a slap in the face would give you a black eye and broken nose. How are you able to take a single punch, from Flash, and not land a single scrape.

Peter: New York must've given me thicker skin, I guess. How's Archie and Jughead?

Gwen: Archie didn't get off as unscarred as you did, but he'll be okay. Both of them, as a matter of fact, but their friendship... that's a whole other story.

Peter: What do you mean?

Gwen, not wanting Peter involved in what she knew, quickly tries to change the subject.

Gwen: Oh, nothing. Anyway I'll see you at the pep rally, tonight?

Peter: Yeah, I mean... maybe? I haven't really decided yet.

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