Chapter Thirteen- Verbal Fight

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 It was late when Abrariel finally arrived home, nearly dawn. He was tired and wanted to sleep, he walked to his bedroom after putting the empty bottles by the sink for washing. On his bed was another onesie and a tiny, plain white shirt and small black shorts, a small note in Raziel's handwriting was on top.

Found these while I was cleaning my room, they will be perfect for the newborn.

Abrariel smiled, it looked like he wouldn't need to buy clothes for the baby, if Raziel kept finding some. As he put the tiny clothes on top of the dresser, he felt a wave of guilt, he had barely been here, in Heaven, and he was already making Raziel a grandfather! He couldn't imagine the stress Raziel must be under now, looking after two Mythicals and preparing for a newborn! Raziel didn't seem to mind, he seemed happy at the prospect of looking after a growing family, but that didn't stop Abrariel from feeling guilty.

He walked across his dark bedroom to his feather soft bed and got under the covers. He closed his eyes, sleep didn't come as quickly as he would have liked it too, leaving him lying in a pool of guilt.


Bright sunlight streamed tough Raziel's open window, walking him with its bright glare. He sat up yawning and rubbing his eyes, ruffling his feathers, and making them fluff up to get rid of the stiffness of sleep. He got out of bed and went to get changed, ditching his light, cream-coloured one piece he had worn that night for his normal butter-coloured robes.

He opened his bedroom door and headed down the hall to Abrariel's room, he should be home. He opened the door and crab-walked into the dark room, careful not to let in much light. Abrariel was bundled under the covers of his bed, lying sprawled on his side, he only looked a little uncomfortable. Raziel smiled, Abrariel was one month pregnant, and he was handling it better then Raziel had when he had been pregnant with his own child, Abrariel's little one seemed to be a lot calmer then his own had been.

Raziel went over to the Vampire and placed a gentle hand on Abrariel's pale cheek, brushing the hair off his face and pulling the covers up before he left the room. Raziel headed to the end of the hall, it was time for Telantes to get up, and he wanted to know what the Demon wanted for breakfast.

When Raziel opened the door, Telantes was already up, just leaving his bathroom, he looked up as Raziel entered the room, he had clearly woken up on the wrong side of the bed, because he asked rudely, "haven't you heard of knocking?"

Raziel ignored the tone and smiled at his youngest son, "I just wanted to know what you wanted for breakfast."

Telantes looked indifferent, "butter and jam on toast will do," he muttered in response.

Raziel nodded, "right. It won't take long, so why don't you get changed while I get it ready," Telantes said nothing in response.

Raziel left the room smiling and headed to the kitchen to get breakfast started. It was a simple breakfast, which was slightly disappointing, he had hoped Telantes would ask for more than toast, but oh well.

Telantes entered the kitchen as Raziel was buttering the toast, turning the bread a nice golden colour, and filling the room with a heavenly scent. The Demon slipped onto one of the barstools, his feet dangling off the floor, Raziel thought he was short for his age.

"almost done!" Raziel told the stone set face that was watching him.

Telantes didn't even smile, Raziel wondered what was wrong, was he unwell? Had he done something to upset him? He was about to ask when Telantes started speaking.

"when were you going to tell me Abrariel was pregnant?"

Raziel was quiet for a moment, he finished making Telantes' breakfast, raspberry jam topped with fresh raspberries and a dollop of fresh cream, that was jam on toast for him, he placed the plate in front of Telantes on the countertop.

The Angel, the Vampire, and the DemonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang