Chapter Eight- The Start of Something Horrid

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Raziel carried Abrariel back to his room, sunrise had just ended, and the Vampire had fallen asleep in his arms. Raziel rested Abrariel's head on his shoulder and brushed the few lingering tears off the peaceful face, Abrariel didn't stir. After they had come back from the doctors with the baby news, Raziel had noticed that Abrariel seemed a little distant. Raziel's own father had always told him it was ok to cry, no matter what it was about, so Raziel had sat down next to his adopted son and pulled him in for a hug telling him it was going to be okay, and that he was there for him; the words seemed to have an immediate effect on the Vampire, who had let out a waterfall of tears, crying until sunrise where he had started falling asleep.

Raziel gently placed Abrariel down in his bed, Abrariel's room was almost as dark as night with the curtains closed, Raziel waited for his eyes to adjust before he pulled the covers over the Vampire and resting his hand on the pale cheek, brushing his thumb under the boy's eye to get rid of the last few tears. Abrariel squirmed a little and let out a hmm sound before settling on his front with a hand on the pillow next to his head. Raziel pulled the covers over Abrariel's shoulders before leaving the room with a small smile. When he closed Abrariel's bedroom door, tiredness fell on him like a stone, he needed a nap.

Raziel headed back to his own room where he pulled the curtains shut to block out the bright, golden, morning sunlight so he could have an easy rest. He got under the soft covers and curled himself into a fetal position, wrapping his wings around himself to form a cocoon and falling into a thankful sleep.


Telantes opened his bedroom door quietly, he knew Abrariel would be asleep, but he didn't know about Raziel. He opened Raziel's bedroom door and peaked inside the dark room. Raziel was bundled up on his bed, sound asleep. Perfect. Telantes quietly closed the door and went to the kitchen, time to start Abrariel's Hell Life! Telantes opened the fridge door and took the next bottle of blood out, he then took the single glass vile out of his pocket, he smirked evilly.

The potion he had managed to save could cause a very high and strong fever when ingested, it would take hold within seconds, making the victim weak from fever and a pounding headache. It was strong enough to effect Vampires, which is why Telantes had got it in the first place, and to top it off, it had no scent or taste. He put the bottle of blood on the island and opened the cap before taking the cork off the vile. The label said that a few drops would be enough to cause a whacking fever, but Telantes wanted more, he wanted the Vampire to suffer. And suffer hard. He emptied the entire contents of the vile into the blood, nothing happened to the crimson liquid, all the better.

Telantes put the bottle back where he had found it and left the kitchen, he patted his pocket where he still had some gold left, he looked down at his ragged clothes, he needed some new ones. He took the money out of his pocket and counted it; he might have enough to buy a new pair of pants. He knew Raziel had said he want to leave the house, but Telantes wasn't going to obey that command.

Telantes headed out the front door and shut it softly behind him. The sun was warm on his grey skin and made his copper hair glow like a band of wavy fire, one of the reasons he had never got it cut short. as he walked down the dirt path that snaked between the fields, he thought that while he was shopping, he would look around, see what he could mess up or break that could be easily blamed on the Vampire, make the people hate him like they were supposed to, while no one would suspect a small-for-his-age young Demon.


Telantes strolled into town, whistling quietly to himself as he looked around. It was a lovey village, white wood houses, red tiled roofs, cobble paths and roads free of dirt and ash, very unlike Hell where the paths would be covered in ash, soot, rubbish, and a few splashes of Demon blood. As he walked, some of the Angels and Souls stopped and stared at him, some with curiosity, some with hatred, Telantes ignored their looks and headed into one of the many clothes which was called Angel Wings.

Inside were rows, and rows of clothes, from Angel robes to baby clothes, to very royal outfits, that looked to be made from satin and silk, with small pearls and diamonds laced throughout, Telantes suspected they were only ever worn at weddings or balls. He walked over to the section marked Boy's and went over to the shelves of shorts. He saw a pair of black jeans that he really liked, they had holes throughout, but in a very stylish fashion, they even felt a little like Angel robes, but brought a lot tighter to form the pant shape, Telantes looked at the tag, he could just afford them, he checked the size, just right! He took them off the wooden shelve and went over to the counter to pay, feeling proud of himself.

The checkout Angel seemed surprised to see him, she had blue and brown eyes, long pink hair, and light green wings, Telantes had no idea what kind of Angel she was, but going by the earthy scent he could catch from her, he guessed a Forest Angel. He smiled at her to appear friendly.

"Just those?" the Angel asked smiling back at him.

"Yes please," Telantes murmured, he couldn't wait to put them on, he paid and then left with a wave.


Telantes slipped in through the wooden front door, it was late afternoon, how he hoped that Raziel hadn't noticed he was gone. His shoes thumped softly on the polished wood floor as he went down the short hall to his room, he didn't meet Raziel on the way and heaved a sigh of relief as he opened the door, he felt proud and happy... till he turned around.

Telantes screamed. Raziel was standing by the bed, arms crossed across his chest, foot tapping the floor softly, he didn't look happy, not at all, he looked angry, but it was a calm anger, one that felt filled Telantes with dread.

"Where were you?" Raziel asked in a stern voice, eyeing Telantes with hard green eyes that seemed to cut through the Demon like knifes.

Telantes said nothing, just stood there, back to the door, shaking a little in fear, he knew his face would be a very pale grey, he had been told about the wrath of Angels, and he didn't want to face one.

"Well?" Raziel promoted, still in the same ice-chipped stern voice.

"I-I was shopping for shorts," Telantes held up the new jeans he had brought only a few hours ago, almost fearfully.

"I told you not to leave the house!" Raziel almost yelled.

Telantes knew the only thing keeping Raziel from yelling full out, was that Abrariel was sleep just down the hall, Telantes decided to give in, it was the best way to keep in Raziel's good books, "I'm sorry," he lowered his head in mock apology.

"You still grounded," Raziel murmured, his anger visibly fading.

He walked past Telantes and shut the door with a soft click. Telantes went over to his dresser and put the jeans in a draw where there were a few other clothes, all of them were too big for him. He sighed; he would need to save up a lot of gold to buy a new shirt... after he had gone through with his plans.

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