Chapter Fourteen- Tables Turning

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One month later

Abrariel packed a bag with the regular bottles of blood, he would need more to suffice for himself and his growing baby. He was going out to help the town's people, over the past month Abrariel had been helping around the town where he could, almost all of the Angels and Souls knew him, and they always seemed to be needing help some way or another.

"alright, I'm off!" Abrariel called from the front door, his hand on the silver handle.

Raziel appeared from the living room arch, "alright have fun! Oh! If you see Telantes, can you tell him to come home?" he asked.

"he's not here?" Abrariel asked, a little shocked.

"he left after dinner, he should be home by now," Raziel murmured, concern filled his eyes briefly.

"sure, if I see him, I will tell him," Abrariel nodded as he opened the door. He had been trying hard to make friends with the Demon, so far with no avail.


"oh, Abrariel! Can you help me?"

Abrariel turned, a Soul was waving at him from her porch at the front of her house, he smiled and headed over to her, "what do you need help with," he asked when he made it over to her.

"my garden. Can you do some weeding? I will pay," the Soul asked with a small gesture to her garden, she held up a small bag of gold.

Word had got round that Abrariel didn't want to be paid large sums of gold, even when he was with child, so many Angels and Souls would give him a max sum of twenty gold, of which Abrariel would always give three back, always with a smile.

"sure," Abrariel replied. He headed down the small, cobbled path from the porch to the rose garden out the front of the white wood house.

Abrariel gently placed his backpack on the ground next to the garden as he started pulling out the dead plants and spikey weeds that were growing amongst the pink and red roses, he didn't worry about getting pricked by the rose thorns, he healed fast, and he worked faster than Humans, soon the garden was free of weeds and looked quiet pleasing to the eye.

"oh, thank you so much!" the Soul cried as Abrariel headed back to her after disposing of the weeds, she held out the back of gold which Abrariel took.

Like normal, Abrariel took out three of the flat, round gold coins and gave them back to her, smiling, she smiled back at him, making her blue eyes stand out like gems in a smooth, white rock, she waved at him as he left. Abrariel spent most of the night doing small errands for the Angels and Souls of Heaven's Town, delivering food, sweeping porches, cleaning windows, at one point he even cleaned the whole house of a lazy Angel, just out of the goodness of his heart, he didn't get paid, but he didn't care, the Angel seemed happy. He only stopped once to have some lunch, as he finished, an Angel called for his aid. She was young, long, light, moss-coloured hair, light brown eyes, light pink robes, and ash-coloured wings. She held a small baby in her arms and was standing in her doorway. Abrariel smiled and headed over to her.

"what can I help you with?" he asked, still with the same bright smile.

"can you watch Ju for me?" the Angel asked.

"sure, for how long?" Abrariel asked as he tickled the child's cheek.

"just an hour, I have to do some shopping and I can't bring him. Twenty gold?" she held up a brown bag, Abrariel nodded as he took the bag, he gave her three back before gently taking the child with a smile, the child squirmed a little in his hold, it was fairly newborn, with little wings like a baby chicken and white skin.

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