Good parts and bad parts ( TW+NSFW)

Start from the beginning

I felt a hand dip below my waistband and toy with the edge of my underwear.

"Not hear Gwenny, at the house." I whispered against her lips.

She slowly withdrew her hand but her lips never left yours, until air was necessary.

As soon as we were infromt of the penthouse, we hauled our bags out of the car and scrambled into the lift hurriedly. As no one was in there, Gwendoline took the opportunity to kiss me more, making me a moaning  mess before we were even inside.

Once we were on my floor, we got out and dumped the begs wherever and barely made it to the bedroom.

As I kissed down her jaw and neck, Gwen made quick work of getting my shirt and bra off.

One hand fondled with the left breast, her fingers pinching and twisting my nipple. She took the other into her mouth and I felt weak in the knees, this woman was magical.

"God Gwen! Just fuck me please already!" I cried eagerly. I could feel my arousal dripping down my leg at the sight of the blonde infront of me.

Messy hair, swollen lips, lopsided shirt, half unbuttoned trousers. But still her perfect blue eyes.

Tugging my trousers the rest of the way down my legs, she settled herself between them.

Planting one last searing kiss on my lips, she started working.

Working her magic, I could already feel myself on the edge, Gwen sucking my clit while her fingers pumped in and out.

"Fuck Gwen– ahhh Gwen I'm about to–"

"Cum for me princess"

Her husky voice pushed me over the edge and I came all over her fingers. Once I'd cane down from my high, Gwen shoved her fingers in my mouth, letting me taste myself before she kissed me softly.

"You did so well baby." She whispered and kissed my temple.

"That's because you are magical my angel." I replied, smiling up at her.

As she kissed me again, a loud knock could be heard at the door. That was weird, you couldn't get up without a pass. Gwen insisted on getting it which meant I no longer could admire her naked body.

She pulled on a shirt and sweatpants before exiting the bedroom.

"Mr Spielberg!" She exclaimed shocked.

"Hello Ms Christie, nice to see you again. Can you tell me where Olivia is, it's important."

"I'll go get her!"

Gwen rushes back into the room.

"What the hell is your dad doing here?" She hissed.

"Why do I know, I thought he was in LA." I replied.

Once dressed and as presentable as you could be after sex that good, I walked out.

"Hey dad, what's the problem?"

"Let's get to the point." He says harshly. "There's photos of you being drunk and punching someone."


"What? He was being a dick about you? Called you too ugly and mannish to be a woman. Also that someone as pretty as me should never be with someone as ugly as you. And that Jamie was right to leave Brienne. Did I forget to mention i can be quite an angry drunk?" I giggled.

"Olivia this isn't funny!" Gwen and my dad said at the same time.

"Olivia you can't just go around punching people for the sake if it!" My dad says angrily.

"It wasn't 'for the sake of it' I was defending my girlfriend and I would've done it drunk or sober. Gwen has had to deal with enough shit in her life, I'm not letting that slide."

"Why are you defending her? You've been dating for 6 years and you aren't married! Do you even love her!?"

"WHAT! of course I love her, I wouldn't have stayed with her for 6 years otherwise! You have no right to say that! I would kill for Gwendoline so get the hell out of here!"

"Who bought this?"

"ME! Because I'm not a fucking child anymore! I have my own name, own career. You know what! I might just change my name to Olivia Christie! How about that dad?"


"I DIDNT EVEN LIVE WITH YOU FOR ALL BUT THE FIRST TWO YEARS OF MY LIFE! I GOT ALL THOSE JOBS ON MY OWN BECAUSE I AUDITIONED FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE! How many Oscars did you win this year huh? 0? I won 3! How many BAFTA film awards this year? 0? I won 6! How many Emmysast time? 0? I have 2! How many golden globes? 0? I got 1! I have more awards than you in my like 35 years career than you do in your 52 year career! AND GUESS WHO IS GETTING MADE A DAME FOR MY CHARITY WORK? MY HOTELS THAT HOME HOMLESS PEOPLE, THE IMPACT IVE HAD ON THE ACTING COMMUNITY? SO FUCK YOU DAD AND GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

And he left.

I just stood watching the door.


And I broke down in her arms.

1450 words

Ok, I'm sorry about the lackluster smut, I got lazy. And I need to stop putting ridiculous plot twists in. I never planned for her to become a dame? Why is she arguing with her dad? Why Why Why? Why do I do this?

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