Chapter 31

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Y/N's body walked to the prison. They weren't in control anymore, it was the God side of them in control. All they could see was everything that was happening, but it was like it was being shown on a screen. Sam made them put their things in a chest.

"And the necklace Y/N." Sam ordered

Y/N rolled their eyes and put the pendant in the chest. Sam closed the chest before locking it and leading them to the cell Dream was in. Dream sat on the floor of his cell helplessly.

"Hello. Dream." Y/N stepped into the cell

The lava flowed down as Dream looked up at Y/N's figure. They crouched down in front of him.

"I need to know where that Revive Book is." Y/N spoke

"There's no point." He laid his head back onto the obsidian wall, "You have nothing, you're trapped here as well."

Y/N's eyes widened as they stood up.

"Sam!" They yelled, "Let me out!"

"Im sorry Y/N. You cause way too much of a threat." Sam didn't lift the lava

They sat down on the crafting table with their head in their hands. Y/N shook their head. Dream stood in confusion.

"They're gaining control again." Y/N shook their head in frustration

"Who?" Dream stood up

"Y/N, of course." They smirked

Y/N buckled over in pain. Dream stepped closer. They collapsed onto the cold, obsidian floor as Dream ran to them. Y/N woke up a while later, they were leaning against the wall.

"What was that just now?" Dream asked

"The God side." Y/N struggled but managed to stand up

"God side?!" Dream repeated

"I'm a literal Demigod. Of course I have a God side." Y/N rolled their eyes, "What did you think?"

A few weeks past and no one had cared about Y/N being in the prison. Quackity had walked in to torture Dream and every now and then he would torture Y/N as well. Y/N sat down on the right side of the cell, back against the wall.

"How are you?" Dream tried to start a conversation

"Fuck you." Y/N told him

The lava stopped and Technoblade walked into the cell.

"Techno?" Dream looked over, "You shouldn't be here!"

"You sent a letter." Technoblade shrugged

"It's a trap!" Dream told him

Quackity and Sam made the lava start again, the three of them were trapped.

More time past, around a month. Dream and Technoblade summoned DreamXD while Y/N was sitting on the crafting table, writing.

"Dad?" Y/N stood up

"Hello, N/N." DreamXD's voice boomed

"What did you two do?!" Y/N asked the boys

"We summoned a God!" Dream cheered

"You two can get one wish." The God turned to the boys

"I want a bell." Technoblade smiled

DreamXD nodded and made a bell appear.

"What the hell, Techno!" Dream yelled

The God turned to Y/N.

"Do you want anything?" He asked his child

"I want to get out of here." Y/N looked down, "Can you help?"

"You have all the power to do that. In there." DreamXD pointed to Y/N's chest

"That doesn't help!" Y/N complained

DreamXD disappeared before anything else could be said.

About 2more months past. Quackity came over to them all.

"Where's the book, Dream?" Quackity asked him

Dream didn't tell him anything.

"If you won't talk, maybe Y/N will." Quackity pointed an axe at Y/N's chest

He backed them into the obsidian wall and pushed the axe into their chest. Y/N yelled out in pain, trying to push the axe away.

They closed their eyes, ready for the impact but it never came.

"Y/N?" They heard Phil's voice

"Phil?" Y/N opened their eyes, "Phil!"

Y/N hugged him tight before looking around the room. It was dimly lit with an ender table in the middle and chairs around it.

"What's this?" Y/N asked

"The syndicate room." Phil told them

Phil knelt down to a stasis trap and shut the trap door. Technoblade appeared.

"Phil! Y/N?" Technoblade stood up, "I told you 3weeks!"

"It said 3months!" Phil said

"I said 3weeks!"

Phil looked through the book. Y/N looked over his shoulder.

"You said 3weeks." Phil face palmed

"Phil!" Y/N chuckled

"At least you're both out." Phil smiled at the two

"That's true." Y/N shrugged

Technoblade looked at Y/N.

"How did you teleport here though?" Technoblade asked Y/N

"I needed help from Quackity. The person that usually helps me is either you or Phil. Phil was the only one of you two that was out of the prison so I thought about him helping me and I appeared here." Y/N put it simply

"No wonder you're related to a God." Phil shrugged

Y/N began to feel tired.

"You two should get some rest." Phil told them

"Sam has my stuff." Y/N remembered, "My necklace! My totem!"

"Me and Techno will get it all back." Phil reassured them, "Trust us."

"Ok." Y/N smiled at him

Phil led the two back home and into their separate houses. Y/N walked into their warm home, it made a wave of deja vú flood through their mind.

"It's good to be back." Y/N sighed

They walked into their room and found Ghostbur sitting on the bed.

"Hey, Ghosty." Y/N smiled awkwardly at him

"Y/N, my love!" Ghostbur stood up and hugged them tight, "Where have you been?"

"Long story short. I've been in the prison with Dream and Techno." Y/N hugged him back

Ghostbur didn't let them go when they tried to pull away.

"Don't leave me." He begged

"I won't, trust me." Y/N smiled, "Can we sleep?"

He nodded. The two got into bed and Y/N nuzzled into Ghostbur.

"I love you." Ghostbur told them

"I love you too." Y/N kissed him and soon fell asleep

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