Chapter 12

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Y/N was awoken late at night due to the sound of glass smashing.

"Not again." Y/N complained as they sat up

They got out of their bed and headed to the room the noise was coming from. Like always, it was Schlatt's office. Just like the first few times, Quackity was there.

"What's going on this time?" Y/N opened the door and walked inside the room

"Quackity wont tell me where Tubbo has run off to!" Schlatt threw another empty bottle at the wall

Y/N flinched at the noise.

"Do you know where he is?" Schlatt asked Y/N

"No." Y/N half lied

They didn't know, but they had an idea.

"BullShit!" He picked up another bottle and threw it at Y/N

Part of it hit underneath their left eye while the rest hit their chest, right arm, right knee and shin. Y/N groaned in pain and stumbled backwards. Blood dripped down from the wounds and their whole body ached.

"You know something!" Schlatt spoke before drinking some more, "You can't lie to me! I'm your father!"

Y/N stumbled back into the closed door. Quackity went to help them but was stopped by another piece of glass hitting the wall in front of him. They managed to stumble forward until they were in front of Schlatt.

"You're no father of mine. The day my mother died you stopped being my father." Y/N spoke before punching him square in the face

Schlatt dropped the half full bottle in his hand and gripped him nose. Blood pooled out of his nose and into his palm. Y/N used their working arm to grip their other as they stepped backwards to Quackity.

"Y/N we need to go." Quackity pulled them out the door, "Now!"

He pulled them out the building and into the forest. Blood spilt onto the grass as they continued to walk to a familiar place.

"Wilbur Soot! Open the door! Open the door now!" Quackity banged on the wooden door so hard a dent appeared

The door was opened, but not by Wilbur. It was by Dream.

"What are you doing here?!" Y/N heard Quackity yell

"What's wrong Quackity?" Y/N managed to say

"I'll take Y/N from here." Dream laid his hand out

"Let them decide for them self, Dream." Quackity snapped

Y/N's eyes widened hearing the name.

"No! No! Let me stay with Quackity!" Y/N pleaded

The two boys stayed silent and Dream proceeded to lead the two down to Pogtopia.

"Get Wilbur." Quackity ordered

Dream rolled his eyes and went into a room. Quackity sat Y/N down on the furnace and waited. Wilbur soon ran into the room in a panic.

"What the Fuck did you do Quackity?!" Wilbur yelled at him

"It wasn't me!" He defended himself

"Wil." Y/N mumbled as they pulled on his sleeve, "Everything is so loud, it hurts."

His expression softened as he pulled them into a light hug.

"Careful of the glass." Quackity warned him

Wilbur let them out of the hug and took a good look at them.

"Dream, get the potions and bandages."

Dream nodded and walked into another room.

"What happened?" Wilbur knelt down so he was at eye level with Y/N

"Is Tubbo here?" Was all they managed to say

Wilbur stood up and turned around a corner. Tubbo and Tommy ran into the main area with Wilbur behind them.

"What happened N/N?!?!" Tubbo ran to them

"Schlatt was asking Quackity where you were and he got extremely angry. He started to throw bottles at walls. I walked in to see what was going on and he then got annoyed at me. He threw a few bottles at me and now I'm like this. I punched Schlatt in the face and Quackity took me out of the White House. Quackity brought me here and then Dream brought us down here." Y/N explained

"This is all my fault." Tubbo stepped back, "I shouldn't have left."

"Take Tubbo out of the room for now, Tommy." Wilbur ordered him

Tommy did as he was told. Dream walked into the room with bandages and potions just like Wilbur had asked for. Wilbur took the things from Dream and turned back to Y/N. He began to heal Y/N's wounds.

"I can't go back Wil." Y/N broke the silence

"You can stay here." Dream smiled from under his mask

"Only if you want to though Y/N." Wilbur reassured them and finished healing their wounds

"Sure." Y/N rested their head on Wilbur's shoulder while smiling

Wilbur helped them stand up and lead them to his room. His room was small, a bed, a desk, a wardrobe and some strange chests. They both at down on the bed.

"What's in the chests?" Y/N asked

"Don't worry about that yet N/N."

Y/N pulled him into a hug and they both stayed there for a while.

"I need to sort some things out with Tommy." Wilbur pulled away

He stood up and proceeded to walk out the room. Y/N laid down on the bed in silence, staring up at the ceiling.

"You're enjoying yourself." Dream leaned on the doorframe

"What do you want Dream?" Y/N snapped

"Can't I have fun?" He asked

"No. No you can't. Clay." They chuckled

"You little-" Dream started

"Wilbur will kill you if you lay a hand on me." Y/N sat up

They were right and Dream knew it.

"You're lucky I still love you." He groaned and walked out the room

"You should stop!" Y/N yelled out the door

Y/N laid back down on the bed, closed their eyes and fell asleep for the second time that night. They were half woken up by the bed moving. It was Wilbur.

"Did I wake you?" He asked

"It's fine Wil." They smiled

Wilbur pulled them into a hug as he laid down. He placed his head on theirs and wrapped his arms around their waist. Y/N rested their head and hands on his chest.

"Night Wil."

"Good night, my love."

Fallen // Wilbur x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now