Chapter 8

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"Mum!" A little child ran to a beautiful lady

The kid had H/C hair and so did the woman. Both of them had a huge smile on their faces.

"Careful Y/N." The woman chuckled as the young child

The two were at a rocky lake that was hidden by trees. Fish swam quickly through the water while young Y/N jumped into it.

"How big was the jump?" Young Y/N asked with a huge grin

"So high that it reached the moon!"  The woman encouraged them

The two stayed there for a while before heading back home. Their home was small, a cottage, but it was a home. A man sat down in an armchair with a baby in his arms.

"How's Tubbo?" The woman asked the man

He stood up with baby Tubbo and walked over to the two of them.

"He's finally asleep. After hours!" He chuckled

"He's 2. Be happy he's asleep, Schlatt." The woman smiled and kissed the man's cheek

"Do you want to take him @$#_;Æ?" Schlatt asked

The woman nodded and took Tubbo from Schlatt.

Those were the good old days...

"You need to control yourself Y/N!"
Schlatt yelled

Empty bottles lined the tables and one sat in his hand. Except this one was broken at the bottom. A pool of blood sat, spreading, on the floor and a huge blur laid across it.

"I can't control it Dad!" Y/N defended them self

"You better learn how to. Or so help be XD, I will make you!" He yelled again

Tears filled their eyes.

"I think I can help." Someone spoke

Y/N turned around but could only see a green cloak.

"If I do, you won't have any memories of this. No memories of her,$#_;Æ." The person spoke again

"Fine." Schlatt mumbled

The person clicked their fingers and everything went black.

Y/N woke in the same room as yesterday. Basically nothing in the room, a cell was what it was. They sat up but their arms gave in. The bandages and burns were still there, possibly worse then yesterday.

"Great." They muttered, "I have to spend even longer in this shit hole."

Y/N stood up from the floor and walked out the open door. Punz and Dream stood facing away from the stairs Y/N was at. No one else was there. The exit wasn't too far away so Y/N made a run for it. Someone must have seen them because weapons were being thrown at them and footsteps could be heard getting louder and louder.

They managed to get out the door and close it but not lock it. A horse stood close to the door so Y/N took it. Y/N made their way to L'manburg as fast as they could but Dream was close behind them.

"Y/N~" They heard Dream say as they jumped off the horse

He began to get closer and closer to them. Y/N ran into the boarder of L'manburg. A sharp pain hit their shoulder and they fell forward, blacking out. Fundy heard the noise and walked out to investigate. He was greeted by a bloody Y/N on the floor in front of him and Dream holding a crossbow while standing outside of L'manburg.

"What the Fuck Dream?!" Fundy yelled

Y/N could hear faint voices as Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Niki walked out as well. Wilbur kneeled down and carried them bridal style into the van behind him.

"N/N" Wilbur whispered

"W-Wil." Y/N's eyes fluttered open

Just as fast as they opened, they closed. Y/N still had consciousness, yet they couldn't move. They could hear and feel everything around them but couldn't move, not even a finger. Wilbur lightly touched their left arm causing them to flinch.

"What happened to your arms babe?" He asked

"S-Sapnap." They managed to say

He clenched his fists but then focused on fixing the wounds. Y/N opened their eyes again to be greeted with Tubbo.

"Tubbo?" Y/N mumbled

"Y/N." He answered coldly

"What's wrong Tubs?" Y/N sat up straight

"What happened to our mother." He got straight to the point

Their eyes widened in shock.

"I don't know what happened, Tubs." Y/N half lied

The truth was, Y/N knew some of it. They knew they had something to do with it, but they didn't know what.


"What do you mean Tubs?"

"Lies! You know something and your hiding it from me!" He snapped

Y/N stayed quiet.

"So what do you know?" Tubbo calmed down a bit but anger still laced his voice

"All I know is that she died, and I might have had something to do with it." Y/N mumbled the last part but Tubbo still heard it

"What did you do?!" He yelled again but with more anger in his voice

"I don't know!" They yelled back, "I don't have all the answers Tubbo! I never have!"

Tubbo didn't seem to believe them.

"So you don't know what you did?!"

"Cant you just believe me for once in your pathetic life! Just once! Please! It's all I ask."

That was it. He stormed out, while slamming the door in the process, without saying anything else. Y/N looked down at their arms and saw them almost fully healed. They stood up and walked out the van.

Everyone was gathered outside. Niki and Fundy stood next to each other, George and a raven haired man stood together, Tommy and Wilbur stood together and Schlatt stood by himself. Y/N walked over and stood by Wilbur.

"Whats going on?" Y/N tugged on Wilbur's sleeve

"We're getting ready for the election. Is everyone ready?" He announced the last bit

Everyone nodded and headed to a specific spot not too far away. Little did they all know, how important this spot would become. A stage was at the front while some chairs sat across from it in rows.

Fallen // Wilbur x Y/Nजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें