Chapter 30

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Y/N, Tommy, and Tubbo started to attack Dream. He focused on keeping the disc while mostly attacking Y/N.

"I'm gonna kill you Y/N!" Dream swung his sword fiercely and hit their waist

"You can't kill me! But I can kill you!" Y/N hit his shin with their axe

Dream stumbled back and watched as Tommy took the discs. Tommy threw the discs at Y/N and ran to a specific spot, then they threw the discs back at him.  Dream stopped attacking Y/N and went to Tubbo. He pushed him into a rock and dug his sword into Tubbo's shield.

"Tubbo!" Tommy cried out

"He's gonna die, Tommy! Tommy, he's gonna die!" Dream laughed maniacally

Y/N took a step back. They watched the scene in front of them.

"Tubbo dies, or you give me the disc." Dream ordered

Tommy breathed out heavily before handing the discs to Dream. Y/N started attacking Dream again. They hit him any way they could. Dream attacked back. He got this rush of energy and knocked them down. One of Y/N's arms and their chest were both covered in blood from being attacked.

"Still weak." He whispered into their ear

Y/N was weak. They felt weak. So weak that they couldn't currently stand up. The floor started to cave in and revealed a huge room. The discs were there and another version of everyone else's earthy possessions.

Dream laughed maniacally, "If I can control the things that people are attached to. Then I can control the server again. Because this isn't TommySMP or TubboSMP, it's DreamSMP! So I can control... the server."

He stood in the middle of the room with his arms spread out. Y/N managed to stand up but was still in great pain. They clutched their waist and held onto Tubbo for support.

"Y/N, please get help. There's a portal over there. We'll be fine for now. Trust me." Tubbo begged

Y/N didn't want to but nodded and snuck to the portal. They were just about to walk up the steps when they felt an excruciating pain in the back of their head. Tubbo's screams were mixed with Dream's laughs. Y/N collapsed onto the floor. Blood rushed out of the back of their head and onto the floor. Everything went dark as they closed their eyes for what might be the last time.

"Wake up." A voice echoed around Y/N, "Wake up!"

They opened their eyes to see a black room. Nothing was there. Wilbur appeared. Schlatt appeared. DreamXD appeared. Kristen appeared.

"Get up." DreamXD held Y/N's chin in his hand, "Wake up."

"How?" Y/N asked

"You haven't died. You can't die. You're immortal. Wake up." Kristen spoke softly

"How do I wake up though?" Y/N asked

"What do you do after a nightmare?" Wilbur asked

"Take a deep breath. And turn on the light." Schlatt spoke

The four vanished. Y/N took a deep breath in and a glowing orb of light appeared in front of them. They reached out to touch it. One finger tapped it and the light consumed them.

Y/N opened their eyes. They were still in the room. Many people from the SMP stood by the portal. Dream was on the floor with Tommy looming over him. Tubbo ran to Y/N and hugged them.

"What happened?" They asked

"Dream threw his axe into the back of your head and you... died? I think..." Tubbo explained

Y/N managed to stand up. They had a banging headache and their whole body hurt.

"I can bring people back to life!" Dream yelled

Y/N froze. They walked over and took the axe from Tommy. Pure fear was shown in Dream's eyes.

'You know what to do.'

DreamXD's voice echoed through their mind.

'Kill him'

Y/N couldn't bring them self to do it.

"You just lie dream." Y/N sighed

"If i die, then Wilbur is dead forever." He spoke

Everyone went silent. A ghost version of Wilbur appeared. It wasn't Ghostbur. He placed his hand on Y/N's shoulder and smiled.

"Hello, love." He smiled, "I'm proud."

The ghost Wilbur disappeared and Y/N stepped back. Tommy took the axe back and continued talking to Dream. Y/N stood with Niki and watched what was happening.

Dream started to get backed into an obsidian box. Sam spoke about putting him into the 'Pandora's Vault' that he made. Everyone went back through the portal.

Y/N walked to Wilbur's remembrance and sat down. They pushed their back into the wool and exhaled deeply. Ghostbur walked over and sat down next to them.

"Hello N/N." He smiled

"Hello Ghostbur." Y/N smiled back at him

There was an odd silence between the two.

"I know how to revive you." Y/N spoke softly, "I just need time."

"I'll give you all the time you need." He spoke

Y/N rested their head on Ghostbur's shoulder. He rested his on their head. The two stayed there for a while and ended up falling asleep.

"I love you." Ghostbur whispered before falling asleep as well

Y/N woke up. They were in the black room again. This time, no one was there. DreamXD appeared. 

"Hello, father." Y/N spoke

"Why did you summon me?" He asked

"What? I didn't summon you."

A figure stepped out from behind Y/N. They looked exactly like Y/N but more God-like. The God-like version of Y/N had a red cloak and hood, a blindfold over their eyes, brown jeans, thigh-high black boots, a pirate shirt, small black wings, and a halo.

"You." DreamXD's voice boomed, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm always here. I'm a part of Y/N." Their voice glitched

"What the Fuck is going on?!" Y/N stumbled back

"How have I never sensed you before?" DreamXD ignored his child

"I've never been in control." They turned to Y/N, "But I can now."

They slightly faded and sunk into Y/N. DreamXD stood back as Y/N yelled in pain.

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