Chapter 7

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I heard there was a special place
Where men could go and emancipate
The brutality and tyranny of their ruler

Y/N began to sing. The words seemed to just flow out, they didn't even need the book.

Well this place is real we needn't fret
With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo
Fuck Eret

Everyone laughed at the new bit Y/N had added.

It's a very big and not blown up L'manburg

Y/N started to smile as they looked up at the stars.

My L'manburg

The others joined in

My L'manburg
My L'manburg
My L'manburg

Tears pricked in Y/N's eyes.

Well, our faith was strong within these walls
A sanctuary that would never fall
The beauty of this landscape overthrew ya
He made his throne and betrayed our land
But wе still stand strong and we hold our hands
And from here I can see my L'Manbеrg

Others started to have tears form in their eyes as well.

Oh, my L'Manberg
My L'Manberg
My L'Manberg
My L'Manberg

The song was finished. Y/N rested their head on Wilbur's shoulder and stared at the night sky.

"Any other songs?" Wilbur asked

They all went through more songs and then through stories until it got quite late. Y/N saw something strange on the wall. Something was glowing purple.

"You guys continue. I need to check something. I won't be long." They stood up and walked to the wall

They went inside one of the closest towers and made their way onto the wall. There was the same purple glow. It was armour. It was a person.

"Eret?" Y/N mumbled

The person turned around and it was Eret.

"Y/N..." Eret sighed, "You should go back down there. It's safer."

Y/N just stepped closer. Once they got close enough they hugged him. Another person appeared behind Y/N but they didn't notice.

"Just come back Eret. Please. We- I, miss you."

"Too focused on kindness. My, My. L'manburg has done something to you hasn't it Y/N." The other person spoke

Before Y/N could turn around and see who it was, the person hit them on the back of the head with the end of a sword. Everything went black for them.

They awoke inside of a dimly lit room. It had barely anything inside of it that it could have been classed as a cell.

"Your awake Darling." Someone walked to the entrance of the room

It was Dream.

"Stop calling me that Dream!" Y/N yelled at him, "I'm not your 'Lover' I'm not your 'Dear' and I'm definitely not your 'Darling!"

Dream stepped closer to them and knelt down.

"It reminds me of the good old days." He smiled

"Seriously?! 'Good old days' are you insane?! Nothing was good about it! You tortured me and blackmailed me!"

His smile faded as he stood up.

"And I can do it again." He chuckled

Y/N stood up as he walked out the room. Sapnap soon walked inside.

"It's good to see you again Y/N." He grinned

"What do you want? Answers? Intel?" They asked

"We're starting with torture. Payback." He stepped into the middle of the room

Fire started to form on Y/N's left arm. They screamed in agony as the fire started to spread up the arm and grow.

"This is why Karl and Quackity don't Fucking love you!" Y/N blurted out

Sapnap's expression weakened and so did the fire.

"You're going to wish you never said that!" He yelled

He grabbed them by the neck and pushed them to the wall. The fire started spread up the other arm as well.

"Sapnap!" Dream yelled, "We need them alive! Too much fire will kill them! You know this!"

Sapnap took his hand off their neck and they fell to the cold floor. The fire started to die down as he stormed out. Dream sent George and Punz in while he chased after Sapnap.

George walked over to Y/N with bandages in hand. He started to wrap the bandages around the burns all the way up the left arm and around the right one's wrist.

"What did you tell him to get him that angry?" Punz asked

"I brought up Karl and Quackity in spite." Y/N muttered

The two looked at them in shock.

"Dream wants you to come upstairs." George changed the conversation

Both boys walked out while Y/N followed shortly behind them. The three of them walked up the stairs and into the main room. Dream was standing at a table while Sapnap was sitting.

"Y/N." Dream spoke up, "Apologise."

"He burnt my arms! I can't feel my left arm and my whole body aches!" Y/N yelled at him

Eret walked into the room in his netherite armour.

"Eret." Y/N mumbled into his chest

"Y/N. What did you do to their arms?!" He practically yelled the last part, "They've been through enough when they arrived at L'manburg a month or so ago with a stab wound in their chest and being almost blind in their left eye from a glass bottle!"

Sapnap looked down at the table.

"Did you do this Sapnap?!" Eret held up Y/N's left arm

Their face was still buried into his chest.

"As much as I don't agree with it, it might teach them a lesson." Dream butted in, "Come here Darling."

Dream laid his arms out for them and stared at Y/N while they stared back. He gave them a look and they quickly obeyed.

Y/N placed their head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around their waist to keep them there. Dream gave a look at everyone and they all left the room.

"How about you stay here? With me." Dream asked

"And why would I do that? I don't want to."

"Simple. I know something about you that others don't. Not even your brother." He replied simply, "I know what happened to your mother."

Y/N shivered at the thought of it.

Fallen // Wilbur x Y/NDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora