Chapter 15

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"The revolution is starting early. Did Wil not tell you?" Niki spoke up

"He told me not to worry about it." Y/N managed to say, "I'm not even ready."

"Don't worry about being ready. I have everything we will need." Technoblade reassured them, "Focus on your new Fiancé."

"Fiancé?!" Niki squealed

"I think you two should catch up." Technoblade walked off

Niki lead them over to a set of tables and chairs to sit down.

"So." Niki started eagerly, "Fiancé?"

"To put it short. Wil proposed to me yesterday at the first place we went on a date." Y/N shrugged

"Romantic." She smirked

"Oh shut up Niki." They laughed

The two stood up.

"We should head over to everyone else."

They both walked over to everyone else, who was leaving Pogtopia. All of them made their way to a clearing. Tommy and Wilbur had headed off before everyone to go somewhere else for a while.

"So what's the plan?" Y/N asked

"We take back Manburg." Fundy smiled

Technoblade placed down and ender chest and opened it.

"Y/N. As an engagement gift. I'm giving you one of my best axes." Technoblade passed them a netherite axe

The axe had Y/N's initials carved into it, Y.M.S (Y/N.Middle name.Soot). It had Godlike enchantments on it that consisted of; Unbreaking, Mending, Efficiency, Smite, and Sharpness.

"It's amazing Tech!!" Y/N hugged him tightly

Everyone stayed in the clearing for a while. Niki, Fundy and Eret were talking everyone else was making jokes, Y/N and Technoblade were off by a few trees.

"The trick is to swing with your arm power and turn with you hip power. Keep your legs steady otherwise someone can trip you." Technoblade continued to teach them

"Like this?" Y/N swung their new axe at the tree

It barely scraped the bark.

"Kinda." He said before tripping them

"What was that for?!" They yelled

"Keep your guard. The enemy might have allies and they could attack you at any moment. Never let your guard down."

Y/N tried again and this time the axe dug into the bark and Technoblade couldn't trip them.

"You're a fast learner." He smiled

"Hey. I have an amazing teacher."

The two headed back to where everyone else was and saw Tommy and Wilbur walking over.

"You built this city!" Niki cried

"On rock and roll." Wilbur joked

Wilbur and Tommy stood in front of everyone. Y/N stood next to Wilbur.

"Techno, what's your opinion on me blowing it up?" Wilbur asked

"That sounds pretty Pog." Technoblade smiled

They gripped Wilbur's hand and he did the same.

"We don't have to blow up anything today." Tommy sounded as if he was starting a speech, "We're together."

"But we could." Technoblade butted in

"Dream isn't fighting with passion, he's fighting because he can fight, because he gets to kill people and look cool." Tommy continued, "We can do this together. We can re-claim it."

"Tommy, we have to consider something." Quackity spoke up, "One of us is a traitor. One of us is gonna backstab."

Y/N hated the word traitor. Wilbur could tell something was on their mind but didn't know what. He kissed their temple.

"Are you sure though?" Y/N asked

"It's probably me." Wilbur shrugged

Y/N hated the thought of Wilbur being the one to 'backstab' all of them. Although, with how he's been acting it could be him.

"Yeah." Most people agreed

"I mean if you just look at the logic. It's probably me."

"Apparently Eret just can't be the traitor." Technoblade joked

"I'm getting Deja-vu." Tubbo spoke

"Wait. Isn't that like, Eret's thing?" Wilbur laughed

"Dream has taken everything from me." Eret said, "I'm no longer king of the SMP."

"I'm vouching for Eret." Niki linked arms with Eret

Everyone continued talking some more until Technoblade lead them all away. They all traveled, went through water, until ending up in a small base.

"Welcome guys." Technoblade joked, "To my secret base."

All the Pogtopians gave compliments while Y/N hovered their hand over the wall.

"This isn't all of it." They muttered but no one heard them

Y/N found a ladder and went down it while Technoblade followed. Everyone else soon followed after.

"Holy Shit!" Wilbur stared in awe

"I am ready for revolution boys!" Technoblade announced, "revolution! Take what you need!"

All the boys mumbled different things about it.

"I spent 2 weeks putting this together!" Technoblade laughed, "The grind!"

"Gotta respect the grind!" Eret yelled

"We need Manburg to be gone." Technoblade declared

Wilbur laughed, "Yeah, gone. Completely gone. Completely gone."

Everyone got what they needed. Y/N grabbed a bow, some arrows, potions, an O.P trident and gapples. They all headed to Manburg.

"Wilbur." Tommy walked over to Wilbur and Y/N, "Let's take it back."

"Tommy, you know the rules. If we fail it's goi up." Wilbur replied

Practically everyone denied that they were going to fail.

"Yeah. That's what me and Tommy said about the election and here we are now." Wilbur chuckled

They all headed up into a bridge.

"This is the last chance for someone to reveal themselves as the traitor." Quackity spoke up

"Yeah. Who's the traitor?" Tommy asked

Wilbur tensed up. Everyone headed down the bridge while Wilbur and Y/N followed shortly behind.

"Get in position." Wilbur ordered

Y/N ran away from Wilbur and ran up the tower. Before they could turn around, a sword pushed them into the wall. Just as they were about to see who it was, the person was gone and everyone was storming the tower. The Pogtopians began to shoot at the enemies down below.

Y/N headed down the tower and began to fight Dream. He began to place end crystals around the area.

"Stop with the crystals Dream!" Y/N threw their trident at him, which immediately returned

"I think we should re-group." Wilbur decided

Everyone except Y/N gathered together in front of the stage. Y/N continued to fight Dream.

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