Chapter 2.

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Fundy and Y/N sat down by the main table talking and drinking. Y/N sat on the table while Fundy sat on a chair. They had both been talking for half an hour. Y/N's wounds had almost cleared up except for the one on their chest and around their eye. Footsteps could be heard from the front of the van and a door closing.

"There back." Fundy looked towards the door

"Who?" Y/N put down the drink

"My father and his friends." He also put his drink down

Fundy stood up from the chair and walked towards the door. Y/N tied their hair up and out of their face. They continued to drink until someone burst through the door.

"Who the fuck are you?! Fundy, you shouldn't just let anyone in!" A fluffy brown haired man yelled

"Who's there Wilbur?" A shorter man walked in

From what Y/N could see the shorter one had small horns, blue eyes, the same uniform as Fundy, and brown hair; and the so called 'Wilbur' had fluffy brown hair, brown eyes, and the same uniform.

"Y/N?" The shorter one stuttered

"Tubbo? Is that you?" Y/N turned their head to the door, "It is."

Y/N stoop up while Tubbo ran over and hugged them.

"Ouch ouch! Easy easy!" They held him back a bit

"I was about to talk about that." Fundy chuckled

"What happened Y/N?" Tubbo stood back and looked them up and down

"I don't want to say." They murmured

"I'll explain everything if Tommy and Niki come in and you all calm down." Fundy tried to calm the two down

Tubbo sat down on the table next to Y/N while 'Wilbur' walked out.

"I haven't seen you since we were young. How have you been?" Tubbo asked them

"I've been better. But enough about me, how are you." Y/N smiled weakly

"Once I left I met Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, and their father Phil. They took me in and I stayed with them. Me, Tommy, and Wilbur started this nation that I wrote to you about and we've been here ever since." Tubbo explained

'Wilbur' walked back in with a girl and a boy behind him.

"A woman!" The boy yelled

"Calm down Tommy." 'Wilbur' sighed

"Ok. Everyone sit down while me and Y/N explain." Fundy tried to get everything in order

Y/N got up and stood next to Fundy while everyone sat down.

"First off. Explain yourself to them." Fundy told them

"I'm Y/N, Tubbo's older sibling, I'm 25. I recently ran away from home, Tubbo might know why, and I ran into an old friend who kinda hates me now before I came here. Once I arrived I saw three people ,who I didn't want to see, and so I decided to climb the wall; that was where I met Fundy and he helped me with my wounds." Y/N explained

"What wounds?" Tubbo asked

"I may or my not have had a stab wound in my chest and a huge cut above my left eye causing me to be half blind now." They laughed

Everyone except Y/N and Fundy looked at them shocked. Tubbo stood up and walked over to them.

"Who did it to you Y/N? I'll kill them!" Tubbo asked

"The half blind eye you should know and the stab wound was someone you don't know." Y/N answered, "He goes by the name of, Punz."

"I've heard of him from Dream before." Wilbur stood up

"Most likely. Seeing as they work together." Y/N mumbled

"I've heard." Wilbur sighed

"Can they stay?" The girl asked

"I don't see why not." Wilbur smiled, "If that's ok with you, Y/N?"

"Sure. But I barely know you guys." Y/N chuckled

"Well. I'm Wilbur Soot, I'm 26. This is my brother Tommy, he's 17. You already know Tubbo and Fundy, Fundy is 7. And this is Niki, she's 25." Wilbur pointed at each of them

"I see you're all wearing armour, will I have to wear that?" Y/N asked

"You don't have to if you-" Wilbur started

"It looks cool! I like it." Y/N stopped him

Wilbur smiled at them before walking into the back.

"Let me show you around." Niki jumped off the table was lead them out the door.

The two walked around L'manburg while Niki pointed different things out.

"How do you like it?" She asked

"It's nice. Why is there a wall though?" Y/N asked

"Outside the wall is the Dream SMP and we are banned from there so we have the wall as a boarder." Niki answered

They both continued talking as they walked back to the van in the middle. Wilbur had laid out uniform for Y/N on the table and was now talking with the other boys.

"We're back!" Niki yelled as the two walked in

"Your uniform's on the table Y/N." Wilbur smiled

They picked up the uniform and walked into the very back to put it on. The uniform seemed to fit like a glove and was comfortable at the same time. Y/N had the same lighter colours as Niki did but a red colar and belt.

(Like this:)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Like this:)

They walked out the very back of the van and everyone was waiting.

"It looks amazing Y/N!" Tubbo hugged them

"And it fits perfectly." Fundy chuckled

"It's ok I guess." Tommy mumbled

Everyone continued talking until there was a knock at the door. Wilbur walked into the front of the van and opened the door.

"So glad you could join us! We have a new member." Everyone heard Wilbur exclaim

He walked back in with someone ,around the same hight, behind him.

"Y/N, This is Eret. Eret, This is Y/N" Wilbur introduced the two

Eret also had brown hair but it was a bit darker then Wilbur and Tubbo's, the L'manburg uniform, and some sunglasses.

"Pleasure to meet you Eret." Y/N shook his hand

"Same here Y/N." He gave an innocent smile

"Time to get into plans." Wilbur announced

Everyone gathered around the main table.

Fallen // Wilbur x Y/Nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن