Chapter 1.

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Y/N found their self running through the dense woods. Trees appeared at every corner, and the leaves covered the sky so it was even darker from their view. Many fresh cuts littered their body while blood dripped down their chest and around their left eye. The blood on their eye didn't cover their eye but they could barely see anything through it.

Their hair was let out of the messy bun as it got caught on stuck out branches in the trees and fell in front of their face. Y/N's eyes were a vibrant E/C and their hair was a wonderful H/C with goat-like horns on either side of their head. They wore a pirate-like shirt, dark brown jeans, a dark blue cloak, black thigh high boots, bandages on their arms, and and axe strapped to their waist.

"He said it would be by these coordinates!" They slowed down and stopped running, "It should be here."

A huge, black wall caught their attention as they looked around. It had yellow crosses dotted on it with pillars at the corners, a few figures stood on the wall and below it. Y/N pulled out a picture and held it up at the wall. Tears and cuts lingered across the outfit.

"There it is." Y/N smiled weakly

The smile hurt so they quickly stopped. They ran as fast as they could towards the wall until they saw three unwanted figures.

"I'm sure Y/N has come round here." The one in the middle said

"She hasn't Dream, I'm telling you!" A young boy in front of them spoke

Y/N stopped before any of them noticed them and snuck around the side. They climbed the wall but once they made it to the top they were instantly pushed to the cold, brick floor. A fox, man, hybrid, thing in uniform stood above them while they laid on the floor.

"What the fuck?!" Y/N yelled

"Who are you? Why are you climbing the walls of L'manburg? Are you with Dream?" The fox, man, hybrid, thing yelled at them

"Horns? Another human hybrid like me and Tubbo maybe?" He thought

"Your mum, to get in without passing Dream, and no I'm not with Dream!" They smirked at the first bit but it then turned into an angry yell, "Who are you?"

"This fox, hybrid, man thing better give me some answers." Y/N sat up

"I don't have a mum and you don't need my name." He answered

"Wow. Mummy issues." Y/N snickered

Y/N stood up and brushed the dust off their slightly ripped clothes. Their hands brushed across a fresh cut on their chest causing them to quietly wince in pain and lean over.

"You're weak as well." The fox, man, hybrid chuckled

"You're not the one with a stab wound in your chest that nearly goes all the way through and a cut by your eye that makes you almost blind." They groaned

He looked at them with sincerity in his eyes.

"Listen. If you follow me we can get that all fixed up for you." He spoke softly

"I don't even know who you are." They managed to stand up properly

He stood in silence before answering, "Fundy. My name is Fundy."

Y/N stared at him with confusion before answering, "Y/N. I'm Y/N."

Fundy lead Y/N down the wall and to a van in the middle.

"A hot dog van?" They laughed

"Very funny Y/N." He sighed as he opened the door

The two walked inside and into the back of the van. There were two small tables on both sides and one in the middle, while a door lead further into the back of the van.

"Nice setup." Y/N smirked

"It's my dad's and his brother's." Fundy mumbled

He lead Y/N to the table.

"Sit down."

Y/N sat down on the table as Fundy headed further into the back and closed the door. He soon came out and had a few bottles with pink liquids in them and a first aid kit.

"Great more hidden potions of harming. I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" They yelled and stood up

"This is healing!" He allowed them to inspect the potions

Y/N took the potion and looked at it. The potion had a calming neon pink colour to it and a label that said 'Healing' on it in fancy writing.

"Drink it." Fundy set down the first said kit

They sat down on the table again and drank the potion. It stung their throat as it went down causing a acidic like feeling.

"What the hell?!" They choked

"Oh yeah. It might feel like acid the first few times." He reminded them

The wound on their chest felt like it was throbbing, it almost made them feel like she was splitting apart. Y/N gripped their chest but they didn't find the pain they felt before, it seemed to heal a bit.

"Lift your shirt up a bit." Fundy turned to them with bandages in hand

"I'm sorry what?" Y/N stuttered, "I don't think you're old enough for that!"

"Not like that! The potion wasn't strong enough so I need to wrap a bandage around the wound so it heals faster." He explained, "Unless you want to put it on."

Y/N opened their mouth to answer but couldn't, they just did as he said. He wrapped the bandage around their waist and finished it up.

"Your other smaller wounds seem to have healed from the potion except one."

"Just give me access to back there." Y/N pointed to the door at the very back of the van

Fundy looked at Y/N and at the door before nodding. Y/N smiled weakly and walked through the door. A few chests lined the walls. They opened one of the chest, pulled out everything they needed and put it in their pocket before walking back into the room Fundy was in.

"What are you doing?" He watched as Y/N walked over to one of the brewing stands at the side tables

Y/N added a glass bottle full of water into it. They added the nether wart into it, then they added the glistening melon. The water bubbled and turned the same calming neon pink as Fundy's potion. Once the potion stopped bubbling, Y/N added the glow stone, that caused the potion to go a brighter pink.

"How did you do that?" Fundy walked over from where he was standing

"I added glow stone." Y/N continued to work on the potion a little bit more

Y/N added some gunpowder into it.

"What did you just do now?" He continued to ask questions

"I made it a splash potion." They took it off the stand

They threw the potion and their feet.

"What did you do that for?!" Fundy yelled

The two began to feel a stinging, acidic sensation. Y/N felt it in their head and Fundy felt it in his arms and legs.

"That. Actually worked!" Fundy exclaimed

"Of course." Y/N flipped their hair

"Now." Fundy rubbed his hands together, "Why are you in L'manburg."

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