Chapter 29

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Louis POV

It's Thursday and we are sitting in the Dr office with Gemma. She had to wait a few days to get in but we wanted something more official to show Fred and our families. Like a picture perhaps. Harry is pacing the room as I sit on a chair making small talk with Gemma.

"Oi love. Read something and sit down. Your making me motion sick with your pacing."

I grab his shoulder guide him in the chair giving him a magazine. He flips through and then tosses it down shuddering.

"I am glad I'm not a woman!" He crosses his arms. "Lou how are you so calm?!"

I laugh. "Sisters. Have you seen how many I got? And I've been here before."

Of course we asked Lottie first but she was out of the country with her modeling thing. She didn't have the time to commit which is fine. Harry and her decided in a few years they'd give it a go. We'll see. The doctor comes in and starts getting the machines for the ultrasound. She gets a monitor first and Harry grabs my hand. She places it on Gemma's stomach and my heart stops. I'm pretty sure Harry's did too.

The heartbeat.

It's faint but it's still early. I wasn't expecting to hear anything but you can a little bit. Even the doctor told us this much.


I silence my phone and let the call go to voicemail. The doctor starts getting her ready for the ultrasound and it rings again.


Who the hell? I glance at it as I send it again. Eleanor? Harry looks at it too.


"Excuse me." I click the answer button as I turn around. "Eleanor. I'm kind of busy can I call you back?"

"Louis. How fast can you get home?"

"Is Fred okay?" My mind instantly goes to disaster.

"He's fine. Niall took him out. I need you home though."

"Hold on." I look at the three people in the room. "I need to step out."

The doctor nods. "We can do the exam first if you guys would like to step put then the ultra.."

"Yeh. That's good." I state as I press the mute button. We haven't told anyone yet.

"Louis where are you?"

I open the door and Harry follows me out.

"Doctors appointment El. Now what's up?" I lean against the wall.

"DOCTOR!! Are you okay? Harry?"

"We're fine. It''ll find out later." I sigh. I put the volume up and hold it out so Harry can hear too. "What's the matter El?"

She takes a deep breath. "There's a lawyer here with some papers. He won't leave them. I told him you're out of the country but he says his client is insisting to have this taken care of quickly."

I look at Harry in confusion. "Who is his client?"

"He won't say. He keeps asking when you'll be home."

"Is he still there?"

Rustling. "Yeah he's in the lounge. I told him I'd call you."

"Put him on. I'll talk to him now."

She sighs. "I don't think it'll work. But fine." I hear walking. She tells him I'm on the phone and there's some static like stuff as he grabs it from her I guess.

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