Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

Instead of going to the 10th floor I go the conference room on the first floor I'm directed to. I arrive at the same time as Lottie so I hold the door open for her. Inside the room are the 2 doctors that have been treating Louis, Lottie, Louis' step father Mark and my mum. Nervously with shaking hands I pull a chair out and sit down.

"Mr Styles. It's been almost 2 months." The doctor begins.

"I'm aware." I cut him off. No. He can't say it.

He sighs sympathetically and continues. "Mr Tomlinson has shown no improvement. There's no activity aside from the machines. We are running out of time." He slides a paper in front of me and I read the top and shove it back at him as I stand up.

Do not resuscitate order.

"I WON'T SIGN THAT!" I yell. "He's doing fine. He's up there and he will wake up."

"Son. We all want him to but with no improvement we need to think about letting him go."

I stare at Mark like he's lost his mind. I shake my head. "No. There's a reason he chose me. He's fighting up there. I know he is. He promised."

I sprint out of the room and out of the hospital. I get in my range rover and drive. I have no destination in mind I'm just thinking everything through.

Every memory we've ever had together comes back. He's been my world for so long and we've been through so much. We fell in love. We went through 2 break ups. One night stands. Publicity stunts. Anxiety attacks. This can't be how it ends. We were always supposed to come back to each other eventually. I didn't notice I had parked my car until I was out of it and knocking on the door.



"Coming! You can stop breaking my do..." Her voice cuts off as she sees me. "Harry?"

I sigh and walk past her. "Eleanor. I can't lose him. I love him."

I hear her close the door and she leads me to her couch. She's the only person besides me who may understand my reason for hanging on. She's been here through everything. Yeah she was the biggest stunt of all and she was one of the reasons we broke up but she was a friend to both of us.

"It took you long enough to figure out Harry. You know the last time someone nearly took off my door it was Louis saying the same words about you."

"They want me to give up. They want me to turn off the machines or at least they were headed in that direction." I put my head in my hands and grip my hair.

I feel as she places a hand on my shoulder. I know what she wants but I don't look at her. She grabs my hands and pulls them away so that she can see my eyes.

"I don't believe that either of you are done fighting. I know you both and I know how much you've already fought. Harry I don't mean to pry but...what made you stay?"

I bring my eyebrows together and shake my head. How dare she ask me that? I stand up and walk away from her but she sits there waiting for an answer. What made me stay? Is she fucking joking? It's Louis in that bed...where else would I go?

"I...where else would I be?"

She raises her eyebrows and shrugs. "On tour. Recording. Writing. Whatever you were doing before Lottie called you."

I scoff at her. "Do you think I was doing well? Yes I may have been doing all those things but I was fucking miserable. I was also drinking and depressed and faking a smile every damn day. So tell me Eleanor why would I want to go back to that?!"

"You had before." She says simply. I nod once because it's true. I was the asshole who left the last time. I didn't even look back as he begged me not to go. "Why is this time different?"

"Louis." I sit on her floor with my knees to my chest. "I stayed because I  didn't last time. He was begging me to listen to let him explain. He sounded so broken but I was too hurt and scared to face him so I walked out. El...he wrote me a letter. I saw how he was in that bed and I regretted every damn thing I'd done." I wiped my eyes. "I need to make it better. I need to fight for him. I need him."

"Then fight for him."

"I am!"

"Then don't let them shake you. Don't let them tell you about any statistics or medical things. Trust what's inside you and fight for him."

We are staring eye to eye now. I sigh she's right. I am Harry freaking Styles. I am not going to give up. I stand up and grab her in a hug surprising her.

"Thank you. I'm sorry El for everything I've said about you in the past."

I rush out to my car leaving her baffled in the doorway. I know I'm going to have to explain soon but right now I need to get to the 10th floor of that hospital.

I walk calmly through the hospital and press the button in the elevator. As they open I see his family leaving his room along with my mum. They look at me but I only have eyes for the man in the hospital bed right now. The doctor acknowledges me and welcomes me back.

"I'm not signing anything. He isn't done fighting."

"Mr Styles..."

"Harry." I interrupt him.

"Harry." He starts again. "We expected some improvement by now. These are his latest scans and you'll see there's no change."

I shrug. "He will wake up." I pull out my phone and send a text message to Niall.

Harry: Bring Freddie to the hospital please.

Niall: We'll be there soon mate.

I sit down and take his hand in mine. I fully believe that he knows I'm here. Eleanor is right. I have to trust my feelings and right now he needs to know that two very important people need him to wake up or at least move a finger...something.

I stroke his fingers and trace the 28 tattoo on them. I trace his other tattoos on his arm and then trace his eyes, lips, nose...

"Hazza?" I get up and kneel in front of Freddie. Niall stands to the side with his hand on my shoulder.

"Daddy needs us." He is looking into my eyes like I'm telling him the most important thing he will ever hear in life. "He's still hurt and he needs our help."

He looks over my shoulder and points. "Daddy didn't wake up?"

"Not yet. Come with me Fred." I pick him up and sit down with him on my lap. "You can hold his hand like before. You can even talk to him if you want."

I watch as he grabs Lou's hand with his small one. "Daddy. I miss you. Harry miss you too." He smiles at me. "Can we stay here tonight?"

I debate it but nod my head. Freddie turns back to Lou and tells him all about our month together. He even tells him uncle Ni sucks at fifa and skateboarding. He also says he doesn't like golf and it's boring. Niall intersects that the little lad has been brainwashed which starts a whole argument between the boy and man.

Niall stays as long as visitor hours allow. He promises to come back tomorrow and possibly bring Liam with him. Freddie asks to lay with Louis in the bed so I gently help him to lay beside him. I won't be sleeping much so I'll make sure no wires get messed up.

I kiss them both on the heads and start humming the tune to 18 as I take my seat on the chair holding his hand. It happens so quickly that I almost thought I imagined it until it happens again.

His finger moved against mine.

Progress. He will come back to me.

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