Chapter 25

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Louis' POV

"Harry I swear you are going to love this house."

He sighs. "What's wrong with your house?"


I was lonely when I bought that house. It's not a home. I want something more with him.

"It's not home. Please just look at it with me."

He nods.

It's been 2 weeks. I look at the band on his finger and the one on mine. We haven't made plans yet but we do have a date.

June 1st.

I turn off the highway and on to a two lane road leading to the beach. It's a bit of a drive but we'd have privacy. The closest house is a good ways can't even see it practically. It's a 2 story house with an open floor plan. It also is literally right on the beach but not so much it would ever be a problem. I hope. I make the turn off for the house and glance at my fiancée in the passenger seat. His eyes are glued to his window and I see his curiosity showing.

"Oh. My. God."

His jaw drops. I park in the driveway and watch as he takes in the house. White with light blue shutters. It's elevated so you climb steps to get to the door.

"Well come on. I have the keys. Let's go inside."

We meet at the front of the car and walk hand in hand up the white steps. I unlock the door and go to step in but he pulls me back into his chest and scoops me up bridal style.

"May as well practice yeah?" His green eyes shine with playfulness.

"Oi. Put me down you beast."

"Well you got me here. Show me around."

I take his hand and lead him into the lounge explaining how it could look. The kitchen is next and I know he loves the big window because you can see where the ocean meets the sky. I walk him to a hidden room on the opposite side of the kitchen. This would be the music room, it would be easy to soundproof it and fit everything in. We walk back through the kitchen and down a short hallway. There's a small staircase with two rooms on one side and two on the other. I walk to the second bedroom on the right.

"This would be our room. It's got the bathroom connected and two closets. The balcony has stairs that lead right to the beach. Also you can reach the first bedroom if you walk through this door. Perfect for...hearing things if we need to."

I'm rambling. He's smiling though.

"I assume Fred is across the hall." I nod. "Along with other future plans." I nod again. He shakes his head and steps toward me. "You're right. It's smaller but I like it."

He's staring down into my eyes running his finger down my cheek. "Good thing I bought it then yeah?"

His finger stops. "You...before I saw it? When?"

"The day after you said yes."

He smiles. "Can we go to the beach?" He practically jumping.

I nod and he bolts out the balcony door and down the stairs. I watch as he slides his flip flops off and throws his shirt off before going to stand in the water.

"Harry. We've got no towels. You'll get the car wet!"

He goes out farther and a wave comes up splashing him. He's soaked. Lovely. Oh no. He's walking out of the water and I gulp seeing the glistening on his abs. I'm so lost checking out every curve of his I don't recognize when he lifts me over his shoulder and throws me into the water. I stand up and narrow my eyes at him. He grabs my shirt and lifts it over my head tossing it behind him.

His hands roam over my chest and down to my abs. He runs his finger slowly down...down..."Harry." I groan.

He leans forward and runs his tongue around my ear slowly then grabs it with his teeth. "Mm."

He pulls me closer. "Ha...harry. Beach."

"It's pretty private yeah. Been a while since we've been alone. No kid. No annoying friends. No interruptions."

He grabs the back of my neck and kisses me hard. Our teeth crash together and I moan instantly into his mouth. Our hands are frantically exploring each other. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us out of the water. He pulls away and takes a deep breath.

"Does the house have water?"

What? "I...yeah I got it turned on yesterday why?"

"Good." He smiles as he lays down on the sand.

He grabs my hips so tight I know I'll have marks. He grinds up into me. Fuck. He's pulling at my shorts so I stand up and throw them off and watch him do the same. He pulls me back to him and bites my collarbone so hard I scream.

"Again. Lou."

He kisses down my chest and bites down again this time on my nipple. "FUCK!"


He kisses down lower turning us over and bites this time on my hip. "HARRY!"

"That's right. Scream Louis."

He doesn't go gentle. I don't want him to. He lines up and slams into me. Shit. He's going to rip me apart it feels like. But damn don't stop. He stills for a minute before moving slowly at first. He waits until I grab his hips and start making him move faster. Sand is getting everywhere. I can feel him getting close and I know he knows I am too. We find our release together and then he rolls and lays next to me grabbing me and pulling me onto his chest.

"I like it when you scream."

I laugh. "I couldn't tell."

He laughs and I stare at him as he rolls his eyes. "Shall we shower now?"

"Shower or...shower?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Both." He smirks.

I stand up and grab his hand leading him up the stairs and into the big walk in shower. What should have been a quick shower turned into almost an hour and a half in the shower. The hot water has stopped working so that's when we actually showered. We collected our things and went back to the car.

"Louis. How soon can we move in?"

I shake my head. "Whenever you want. I think we should plan the wedding though as well. At least start. These women are getting on my nerves."

He nods. "Let's start tomorrow!"

I swear he's still a little kid sometimes. We make it back to town and pick Fred up from El's place. Before he is even buckled in his seat Harry is telling him we're moving to a beach house.

Little kid.

I swear Harry and Fred have the same excitement over the house. I don't mind. I rather like it. I smile as I listen to them tall about it.

I can't wait to fill the other rooms as well.

You will always be my personTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang