Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I'm at the check out line unloading the groceries so I can pay when I see the magazine.

Louis Tomlinson caught between two lovers? See images inside.

I'd rather not. I think to myself. I saw them so many times already. A picture of him and Eleanor at dinner next to a picture of him and me outside his tour bus. I pay the woman at the register and push the cart out to my car. Of course I decided I'm cooking dinner seeing as I don't particularly think Lou knows how to cook a turkey.

"Why am I not shocked you came home?"

I pause loading the car. Eleanor. I turn and raise my eyebrow at her. "Why hello there El."

"I'm hurt you didn't call me." She places her hand over her heart. "I thought we were closer than that."

I laugh as I close the door. "Then why not come to Thanksgiving dinner my heart?" I say with voice cracking with fake emotion.

She laughs and hugs me. "I've missed our banter H. Are you okay?" She says as she hugs me.

"Yeah. Thanks for listening the last time."

"Anytime H. Can I follow you home? I'd like to talk."

I nod and we get in our cars. I watch as her little car follows my rover. We get to the house and I put the new access code into the speaker to open the gate. She follows me in and helps me with the groceries.

"Where's the boys?"

"Asleep. We were up late playing footie in the backyard."

She chuckles. "Sounds about right."

I take a deep breath as I unload the bags with her watching me. She wanted to talk. What is she waiting for? She moves. I watch as she grabs two coffee cups and makes a pot of coffee. She hands me one and sits at the table pointing to the empty chair across from her.

"Harry." She take a sip of her coffee. "How did you do it?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "I've done a lot Eleanor. You'll have to be more specific."

"How did you put up with the media spinning things?"

I half laugh and roll my eyes. "Still figuring that one out. What's up El?"

"I'm dating someone."

I choke on my coffee. "Wasn't expecting that. I thought after Lou you'd..." I wave my hand.

She sighs. "Me too. I mean I'm scared a bit H. Lou is all I've known. We went to uni together. He told me his secret before his family even. I remember when he called me up and told me about you. I remember the drama after that with modest. Throwing up after that one night I spent with him after getting drunk. The short lived romance while you guys broke up. I'm still sorry for all the pain H."

I wave my hand. "We made it." I bring up the song Lou wrote about her. "You were all he knew for a long time too. It's all in the past now. May I ask who the lucky guy is?"

She takes a deep breath and says it so low I can't hear. I ask again and she closes her eyes. "Niall."

I stop with the coffee cup halfway to my mouth. "Horan?" I say.

"I KNEW IT!" I hear Lou yell from the doorway.

We both look at him. El blushes and puts her head in her hands. I grab one of them and pull it away giving her a smile.

"Ni is a good guy El. The articles won't phase him."

"You sure?" She looks at me and I crumble. I walk over to her and hug her.

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