Chapter 22

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Harry's POV

"Lilly. Calm down." I repeat for the hundredth time.

"Calm down?!"

"Yes. We knew it was coming." It was just a matter of time. I don't understand why she's freaking out.

She sighs. "Harry. Do you understand what has actually happened?"

Duh. It was quite obvious. "Yes. We came out."

"Not only that but people have a lot of questions Harry. I've been on calls all day trying to protect you. I've been on with James too trying to protect Louis as well."

James. He was Louis' media person. He handled all his interviews and everything. He was just like Lilly.

"Protect us from what? We're big boys. We can count by 2's and tie our shoes."

"Funny H. Very funny. Make jokes."

I laugh. "Knock knock."

I can feel her eye roll. "Shut it. Now I would advise doing an interview. I would say with Louis but he's leaving for Spain tomorrow and you're due in Ireland on Monday." She's rambling.

I zone out and just hmm when appropriate. This was the last leg of our tours. We'd be touring for 2 more months but taking a 4 day break at Christmas but not new years. We didn't known when Bri would be back so Fred begged to come with me the first half then after Christmas he'd be with Lou.

"So we'll have to do an interview alone. They'll come at you with all different questions."

"I know how interviews work. I've done plenty."

"I know. I just...prepare yourself H. Not everything is going to go as you wish. I know you hate it but I think you should read the social media just so you're prepared. I don't know how James and Louis are going to respond but..."

"I get it." I interrupt her. "I get it. I'll read the crap. I'll prepare myself. Now like you said Lou leaves at 2am tomorrow on the private plane. Let me enjoy the rest of this holiday please." I have spent enough time on the phone with her.

We say our goodbyes and I walk downstairs to join Lou. He walks in from the backyard and he is stressed. He's been pulling his hair.

"Oh sexy. I'm the only one allowed to pull your gorgeous hair don't you remember?" I tickle his hip and he sticks his tongue out at me.

"Oh yes I quite like when you do. Do it now please?" He bumps me with his hip.

"Looooou. We have company." I boop his nose and he boops mine back.

Zayne calls him over for help with Fifa. I'm probably the only one who could give Louis a run for his money. Louis too good. Niall knows he's going to get beat because I can see the terror on his face. I should save him. I pick Niall up and set him on my lap.

"Oi. Niall. What have you done?" He's losing so badly now and Lou has only been playing for 5 minutes.

"He's too good Harry. I don't know what happened. He took my ball!"

"Take it back then! Be a man!"

Louis laughs. "That's the best conversation I've heard in a while."

BOOM! "And Styles has the ball! He's running and...GOAAAAAL!!"

Zayne groans and smacks Lou on the shoulder. "Don't let him do that. Be a man Louis!! Take your ball back!"

Oh if someone listened in while we played. At some point El walks in with pizza and Freddie holding garlic bread. We all ran to the pizza and devoured it in about 10 minutes then went back to our game. I didn't miss the fact that Eleanor shook her head and called us pigs.

"Oink oink." I wink at her and she throws a napkin at me.

The day passes quickly and our guests take their leave. Fred. Lou, and I get dressed in our pajamas which is mainly just Fred since Lou and I just have pajama pants on. We settle for watching a movie. One we've seen a thousand times over.

"But Peter...Lucy did go to Narnia!!" Fred yells and we chuckle at him.

Halfway through Fred is asleep and Lou is carrying him up to bed. I turn the movie up and go lay in bed. I have my eyes closed when suddenly there's a weight on top of me. Little kisses being pressed to my chest.



"You leave in 4 hours. Sleep." I put my arms around him and pull him onto my chest.

"Sleep is for the weak. I'll miss you. I need this."

Damn. I can't say no now. I roll us over so I'm on top of him. We waste no time getting rid of what separates us. I grab the lube and start to open him up. He rolls us over and slams himself onto me. No taking it slow I guess. He rides up and down until I can't take it and I slam him down onto me until we find our releases.

We pass out shortly after and I barely remember him kissing my head before he leaves. I wake up with my pajama pants on and a note from Lou on his pillow.

"You looked so wrecked I couldn't wake you. I'll miss you so much. Be safe and have fun. See you soon. xx Lou."

I go downstairs and make some waffles for me and Freddie. Tomorrow morning we'll fly to Ireland because apparently there's a few interviews Lilly set up before my show Monday. I haven't read any of the shit on social media. Part of me doesn't want to. What could they possibly be saying? We eat breakfast and I tell Fred to go pack. I go check on him once my bags are packed.

"How's it coming lil man?"

"All done!" Too fast.

I raise my eyebrows. "Really?" I go in and grab his bag. I shake my head. "You pack like your father. You don't need your toys and there's a guitar already coming. You can use mine."

His jaw drops. "Use...yours?!"

I nod. "Of course. Come on let's do this then we'll go for ice cream and to the park."

It's a good thing I exercise because this guy never runs out of energy. He finally collapses in bed around 10pm so I decide to prepare myself like Lilly said.

>I'm happy for them. Finally able to be free.<

>Why lie to the world for so long? Is Harry using him now since hid accident? Moving in on a weak moment.<

>Harry get out! Louis groomed you but you don't have to stay.<

>No one knows the real story except them. Let them be for real.<

I grab my phone and hit Lilly's contact. It rings. And rings. And rings.

"Hey H."

"ARE THEY FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" I'm aware I'm yelling into the phone. I don't care.

"You read it."

"The hell I did. GROOMED ME?! They don't know shit the lot of them!"

"I know." She sighs. "I know. H that's why you need to speak out. Some people are acting great. Some are not. Modest! has called."

I drop my phone and pick it back up. "Why? Why did they call you?"

"They've lost contracts. Some people you know. People have been slamming them. They've slammed Simon. It's all spinning down the rabbit hole."

I growl. "Well Simon and Modest! get what they deserve. Karma bites. I can't let people think of Lou this way though."

"I know. We'll fix it H. See you in the morning."

I hang up and read through social media some more.

These damn sick fools. So what if I was younger than Louis I knew full well what I was doing. I wasn't pressured. I wasn't forced. I fell in love with him.

My baby: have you seen this shit babe?
Me: yeah...ill fix it baby. i promise. we will make them see the truth. sleep well. ily. xx

I will keep my promise. I'll make everyone see the truth.

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