Chapter 15

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Jungkook POV

It's been two weeks since I'm back from Korea. Every time Jimin want to talk,I said that I was busy because I don't know how he will react to my decision of moving us back to Korea. Suddenly my office door swung open and Jimin stand there in all his glory beautiful as ever.

"Jungkook since you are always busy,I gonna say what I want to say a few weeks ago and leave you to think about it. He and I immediately freeze.
I get up from my chair and walk to him giving him all my attention. I put my arms around him I realize that we had sex almost a month ago. I am so stressed about this Korea stuff that I neglect my duties as a husband. I kiss his sweet lips and pick him up so that he sits on my lap as I sit down on the couch in my office.

"Baby I'm all yours," I said looking at the love of my life.

"Jungkook you gonna be a daddy again."He said in one go looking a bit shy.
"What da fuck you, pregnant baby. I pepper him with kisses. He put his arms around my neck.
"I love you Jimin Thank you, baby," I said hella excited and stressed at the same time.

"Jungkook is there something that you want to share with me because you are distant since you came back? Spit it out," he said with a serious face.
"Jimin please I don't what to spoil are precious moments. "I said with my head down.
"Jeon Jungkook I gonna ask you again, is there something that you want to tell me, "he said again.
"Jimin please not now"I almost shout at him.
When I saw him tearing up I hugged him saying I love you, baby.
"Jungkook why don't you trust me to tell me what's going on," he said crying.
"Jimin my dad wants us to move back to Korea because we are not save here," I said still hugging him. Tears are rolling in my eyes too.
"But why," he asked crying.
"Aria is not safe and people took pictures of Aria here and I don't know who to trust. We are in a foreign country Jimin.
"Please understand, "I said to make him understand.
"But Area is not the heir anymore," he asks now looking at me
"But these people do not know that, that's why her life will always be on the line. Since you were pregnant again I have to think about everything. We stay in secluded areas and we can easily be under attack.

"Who took pictures "he ask looking worried.

"That's the thing I don't know. I and Yoong try to find be we reach a dead end.
Jimin, I will never forgive myself if anything happened to you and our children." Holding him tide.
We hug and cry together until there is a knock at the door.
"Come in" I said
"Sorry to disturb you but someone is here to see you Jungkook. Maybe it is the private investigators.
"Let's hope they can give me some answers.
Both of us went out to meet this person.

"Sorry to bother you Mr Jeon, but I have some bad news." The man in his mid-forties said.

" Bad news " I utter

"There was an explosion and both your parents lost their lives," he said and Jimin immediately look at my reaction.

" What da fuck is going on, how did it happen and who are you, and how did you find me," I ask all the questions at once.

" Jimin please go to the kids I will inform you about everything, Ok, " I said kissing him before he leaves. I grabe phone and call Namjoom

" Namjoon,I want all of you here, now" I shout into the phone.

" To answer your question, Mr. Jeon, I'm the person your father hired some months ago to track you down, and I have no idea who ambush them." He spoke very low tone touching his glasses every now and then.

''You did not answer my question" I said very close to beating the shut out of the guy standing in front of me.

" Jungkook, calm down " l hear Namjoom and Yoongi say while they approach me.

" This punk here was hired by my dad but he doesn't know who killed them. What a joke." I said trying to make sense of everything.

"Yoongi take him down to the basement because I want answers. I'm just going to make sure Jimin and the kids are fine because I deal with this shit " I said leaving them a bit confused.

When I enter our bedroom Jimin runs to me a hugs me like there's no tomorrow.

" Baby are you Ok," he said still hugging me. I seriously don't know what to feel. I feel relieved and afraid and even confused. Just a few weeks ago my dad said that he has changed and wants to be part of our lives. I was seriously considering it because I knew that we were not safe. But now both of my parents are no longer with me. It hurts a bit I must admit.

" Jimin " I call out to him

" I promise that I will keep my family safe," I said looking into his eyes. I could see the fear in his eyes. I feel so sorry for him because every pregnancy he must go through some shit.

" I'll be Ok if you are Baby," He said and smiled.

"Jimin I love you with all my heart since the day I met you in the cafe years ago, and I love you until the day I die. " I said looking at him.

" I have to deal with these things, I know I've promised you no more mafia shut because we raising kids, but baby I have to do what is necessary to remove these threats," I said and he nods indicating that he understands.

" Good I gonna deal with this useless punk that doesn't have any clue what awaits him." I kiss him and leave the room.

Ten minutes later I entered the basement and looked at the guy sitting there like a sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

"You have 10 minutes to talk and don't waste my time," I said taking a seat across from him.

" I only know what your father communicates with me," he said softly.

" So you're from Korea, right, " Namjoon asks and the man nods.

" How did you end up in America, " I ask because we are trying to find some answers because someone took pics of Jimin and we could not track that person down. My father just said it was someone he hired. At this point, I don't know if it was my father or my uncle because I was hella drug at the time I was back in Korea. It looks like the people my dad hired had a double assignment. Working for both my dad and his brother.

" I came here on a scholarship to study years ago and I never return back to Korea the man said." Looking down at his feet.

" Kill him, "I said to Namjoon before leaving the room. I remember my uncle sent some spies years ago to America and he is one of them. He is here so I must trust him then he will kill all of us and take Aria. Hell, that is not going to happen.

' I went back to my office and phoned my uncle because I want to give up Aria's inheritance once and for all since my dad is no more.

" Good day Jungkook," He said from the other side of the phone. " Sorry for your lost

" Uncle, let me cut to the chase. Please call your dogs off and I'll sign off 50% of Aria's inheritance to your son, how does that sound?

"Let's make it 51% to my son and 49% to your daughter Jungkook," he said laughing.

"Great then we have a deal Uncle," I said

" I will email you the documents tomorrow Jungkook. and don't worry about the funeral arrangements, I will handle it." He said cutting the call.

I dial the number of my most trusted hitman Jackson. ' hi buddy " I said

"Jungkook are you Ok, " Jackson asks

" I want to hit on my uncle and I want it done by tonight. The son of a bitch killed both my parents." I said and drop the call.

I lock my office and think about my family's safety, Jimin does not want me to do this stuff but I have to remove the treats and I hope he will forgive me for taking my uncle out. I will go through with the inheritance deal because his son is my only family now.

" Yoongi" I call through the phone, "please arrange a proper funeral for my parents."

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