Chapter 13

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5 years later

"Aria where is your brother's favorite toy," I ask my 10-year-old daughter.

" Appa he always leaves it in my room so I just got rid of it" she answer me while walking to Jungkook's office. She is so beautiful but stubborn just like Jungkook.

" Aria your Pappa is busy with a meeting," I told her but she just ignores me. When it comes to Jungkook, Aria can do no wrong in his eyes. She is daddy's princess and she had him wrapped around her pinkie for sure.

I followed her and as she open his office door I could hear him on the phone talking...."What found my birth mother" he said turning around and his eyes met mine. I was not supposed to hear that conversation.

I stormed out of the office and Jungkook follow me" Jimin baby please hear me out." he said almost running after me.

"You promise Jungkook," I said tears rolling off my cheeks.

" Jimin please baby I need to know," he said

" Jungkook we were fine here in America and for the past 5 years we were living under the radar now you want your father to find us, is that it " I shouted at him

" You know that your Father bribes the whole police department to get him off the hook in my kidnap case. Do you want him to locate us, huh" I ask very close to his face.

" Jimin calm down please, I will not put you and our kids' lives in danger. But I have to go the Seoul to meet my birth mother. It's important for me, please understand." Jungkook said looking worried.

"Jungkook what if this is a setup," I said not crying anymore.

He takes my face in his hands and kisses my face" You are my world and I'm just going for a few days then I'll be back.

When I entered my baby's room I put my hand on my tummy because I wanted to surprise Jungkook with my pregnancy. Yes, it's our 3rd baby and I am feeling sad because it looks like I never gonna has a good pregnancy. Dam it let me be selfish and tell him.

Later that night in our bedroom Jungkook came into the room after he tuck the kids in and reading their bedtime stories he came into our bedroom. I was sitting reading one of my favorite books. He went to the bathroom showered himself and came out fresh with his t-shirt and boxer shorts on. I take off my reading glasses and look at this man that I love with my whole heart. One thing that I know is that I cannot live without him.

" Jungkook " I called out his name while he slid under the blankets next to me.

" Yes, baby " he replies.

"Jungkook, I'm pregnant"

Everything went silent and I only hears soft snores. What da fuck happen because Jungkook is sleeping. Did I take so long to talk that he falls asleep or was he that tired?

I close my eyes and let out a sound of frustration. I'm so pissed off or maybe selfish because I don't want him to go to South Korea. On the other hand, he needs to know his mother. I don't want to take that away from him.

We are staying in a very secluded compound in Nevada America. Only my mom and our close friend come with us. Before I forget Jungkook security team and our staff are also here. So we are more than 50 people living in this huge compound. The compound is huge and has everything you can think of. There are staff quarters and bungalows for Tae and Jhope, Jin and Namjoon, and my mom and Suzie share one bungalow. Yoongi stays alone because he doesn't want his sleep to be interrupted. Jungkook is running some business from home but I have no idea what that is and I don't ask. Even Teahyung and J-Hope who are dating, stay here with us. I can say the past 5 years I felt safe and happy with my family and friends. Once a month we go into the city with our guards to do the shopping and buy stuff for the kids. Jungkook even builds me a dance studio and there's a tutor for Aria and Myrio, Jin and Namjoon's son. But now I feel very scared that Jungkook is leaving soon. I have to support him because I love him. But Jungkook's Dad and mom don't care about them. I was drifting to sleep with all this stuff on my mind.

"You up early Jimin," Jin asks full of smiles.

"I couldn't sleep," I said not in the mood for anything. Maybe the morning sickness is getting to me. Both Jin and Tae know about the pregnancy.

" What's for breakfast, " Tae asks walking into the kitchen.

" Kim Teayhung, for the last time I'm not the chef of you and J-Hope. " Jin said

" Ahh.... not again Jin, " Teayhung said taking some bread from the table and start eating.

" I'm serious Teayhung, Jungkook is the boss and he and his family come first," Jin said trying to ignore Teayhung.

" What about me," Yoongi asks coming from nowhere.

" Since Jimin makes food for their kids and sometimes for Jungkook you can make food for us Jin" Yoongi continues.

" Good morning looks like I overslept if I miss the first session of the bickering this morning. Jungkook said coming to me and kissing me.

" Ahh.... stop it Jungkook don't you have a room for you and Jimin to make out" Yoongi sat eating what he can find on the table.

" Where are you going, " Jungkook asks me when I break the kiss and move away from him.

" I want to see if the kids are awake," I said still feeling a bit down.

" That's why I pay the staff baby," He said taking me in his arms and kissing me. He is fully dressed in a black suit and tie. I'm just looking at him as if I saw him for the first time.

" Are you going somewhere?" I ask smiling at him.

" Namjoon and Yoongi are going with me, We'll be back in a couple of days I promise. He said kissing my forehead.

I was just standing there like a statue as Jungkook, Namjoon, and Yoongi leave the kitchen.

"Jimin... " I hear Tae call me.

" Things are going to be fine, have faith in Jungkook, Please. He loves you and he'll be back." Tae said. I just nod. I think the pregnancy makes me emotional as well because I just want to cry.

" Appa, Appa..., " I heard my 4-year-old son, Hyria voice calling while he is running to me. Looks like he has some fun with one of the staff. I shifted my attention to my beautiful son and see Jungkook's face. He is so handsome just like his daddy.

"Good morning Chim " Suzie greet me and shuffle my hair., She likes to do that. We are very close friends, I know that she loves me but she move on are in a great relationship with one of our staff. So she was happy. Suzie has been there for me right through my 2 pregnancies and it looks like she gonna be there with this baby also. I'm blessed with great friends.

After a hectic day, I finally went to bed. With 2 children that want attention all the time, it's a bit draining for me. Jungkook always said that's why the staff are there, but I like to do my kid's stuff myself. I just finished helping Aria with a project and she was sleeping in her bedroom that was close to ours.

Before getting to bed I try to Facetime Jungkook and with the first ring his face appeared on the screen.

" I'm sorry," I said.

" For what," he asks me smiling.

" For my attitude this morning," I ask

" That's understandable that you are worried but I will be back soon." He said whiles fiddling with something.

" When are you landing" I try to change the subject.

" In a few hours," He said still busy with god know's what.

" Ok let me not distract you, talk to you soon," I said and cut the call.

After a worrisome day, I drift off to sleep.

Author's note: Please leave a comment. I gonna delete this whole story and then re-upload it again. Wattpad mixes up some chapters and it will make it difficult to follow the story.

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