Chapter 4

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Jungkook POV

I was busy reading my emails on my laptop when I heard some loud noises. You cannot come in without permission. Wait in the reception area I let you know if Mr. Jimin will see you.

I get up from my seat to see what the hell is going on just to see Suzie Jimins' so-called best friend dress in a very high slit dress and a low-cut cleavage that almost shows her whole boobs. Her long black hair was covering her titties. Her lips were so red that they almost blinded me. If she was not Jimin's friend then I say she is a first-class hooker the way she dresses. She got a tiny waist with a very big ass. I can swear that she did some implant there because it's way too big for her body if you ask me. Believe me, I fuck some women, and this one I will pass not my style. Overall she is a beautiful woman with a shitty attitude.

" Where Jimin," she asked in a very rude way.

" None of your business and what are you doing in my house," I ask her

Then she starts shouting Jimin's name. Jimin walk down the stairs and my mind went blank for a minute when I saw him in this cream silk gown. Damm, he looks like an angel that falls from heaven just now.

My eyes were locked on Jimin when Suzie hugged him and mumble something in his ears. I just interject their little reunion by saying Jimin is not going anywhere that when my phone rings. I was just about to through Suzie out of my house.

One of the guards that I send the keep my daughter safe was on the phone. " Sir when I came from the toilet and check on your daughter her room was empty. I check the whole hospital she is nowhere to be found and nobody saw anything. " He said.

' " What do you mean the room is empty" I shouted.

" She has gone, Sir, she was kidnapped Sir," he said knowing very well what will happen to him. He just let some tugs take my daughter in front of him. He fuck up and he knows it.

' Jungkook what happening with Aria " Jimin asks with tears rolling down his face. My heart broke when I see him so vunerable he is in front of me.

" She's gone Jimin. Aria is missing. The minute he fainted. With one stroke I pick him up and start walking ordering the guard to take Suzie to the hide out. Yes, I did check Suzie out she's a good for nothing kind of bitch. After I take care of Jimin I will deal with that bitch.

" Namjoon gets hold of Dr. Lee and brings him here so that he can attend to Jimin," I shouts to Namjoon who does'nt know what to do first.

I lay Jimin on the bed and my mind is run a thousand miles per second because none of my family and friends knows about Aria not even my enemies know about her. I tuck Jimin under the blankets and asks one of the maids to stay with him until Dr. Lee arrives.

" Thanks for coming on such short notice "I greeted Dr. Lee who was looking very uncomfortable in the foyer of the mansion.

" Lead the way Mr Jungkook " He said nervously

"Care to tell why my daughter got abducted out of your hospital Dr," I ask angry.

" Don't know what you talking about Mr Jeon"Before he could answer I point the gun at his head.

" Don't fuck with me Dr. I blow your brains out in a second" I growl at him.

" Can I see the patient please," he said trying to change the subject? We are in front of the door to Jimin's room and I let him go in.

Jimin was still unconsion and I told the maid to stay with them while I went to deal with more pressing matters namely Suzie.

I walk into the underground garage partly hide out and saw Suzie tide up to a chair and been gag.

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