Chapter 3

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Jimin POV

I'm sitting next to Jungkook in the back of the car on our way home from the hospital. He insisted that I ride him and I did not argue at all. I was too exhausted by all the crying. It was heartbreaking to leave Aria in the hospital alone but my mother insisted that I must gain all my strength back and she will stay in the hospital with Aria. I agree.

My mind was very foggy with Jungkook close by I don't know what to make of his behavior. My feelings are in limbo because he's the same guy that chose his family's empire over the love that we share back then. Now is back with a bang in my life but for how long I do not know.

My thought was suddenly interrupted when my phone went off and I see Suzie's name on the screen.

" Hi," I said very softly.

" Where are you," She asked very concerned.

" Sorry about that but I'm with Jungkook and his gonna drop me home.

" Ok, "she said and cut the call.

Moments later I heard Jungkook tell the driver to go to the Jeon Mansion." What's going on Jungkook and why are we going to your parent's place," I ask a bit confused.

" Jimin I don't want you to be alone tonight and I don't like or trust you friend at all," he said smiling while rubbing in hand."

"And why is that any of your concern, I've been on my own since you left me," I said irritated. This guy wants to take my life over he was just here to denoted some blood for my daughter that's all.

"Let's talk about it in the morning, you can sleep in the guest room. I will always be available if you want me to keep you company. "He said laughing at my worried face.

"Relax a bit will you," he said putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him.

"Walk up sleepy head I heard," his voice in my ears, shit I must have fallen asleep in his arms.

How stupid of you Jimin the man has a wife. He hurt you before don't fall for his charm. There's a child involved and you gonna get hurt again the voice in my head said. I move away from him and straighten my jacket and comb my hair with my fingers. I remember I still have Suzie's jacket on she must have dressed me in her apartment when I fainted.

Calm down Jimin she's your best friend and sometime you do share clothes with her.

I just saw someone opens the door and give his hand for me to get out of the car.

" Hi, Jungyoe you still remember me,"I said to the butler of the Jeon's.

" Good evening Sir and yes I do remember you." I get out and follow Jungkook who was on the phone with god knows who and taking and shouting to however was on the phone. As I was looking at him I realise that he had changed a lot over the years. He becomes more dominant and scary.

" Put Jimin in the room next to mine and make sure he's comfortable," He said not even looking that the butler.

" Yes, Sir the man said and bow to him and left. I was standing in the middle of the foyer feeling like a statue not knowing what to expect. My mind ran a circle in my head as I picture the past between myself and Jungkook and how carefree our relationship was but now he's a man who just gives orders and everybody must jump. He has changed and so has I, the only thing that binds us is Aria now. So I thought.

The room was exquisite and it was decorated in pastel green colors and that calms me down. On the bed were a pair of silk pajamas and a jug of water with a book on the nightstand. The windows were covered with blinds and the light on the balcony was still on and which gives a good ambiance to the room if the lights are put off. I immediately went into the bathroom the that was bigger than my apartment's living room back in Seoul. I knew that Jungkook was rich but sometimes I am still amazed when I see how rich he really is.

The bathroom gives me a whole spa vibe and I think that's what I need at the moment. I took off my clothes or rather Suzie's sweatpants and t-shirt. The water of the rainforest showerhead did well to relax every muscle in my overworked body. Everything is going to work out Jimin I said to myself over and over while standing under the shower. After a while, I open the bathroom door and exit it just to find Jeon Jungkook laying on the bed. When I saw him I fiddle with the towel around my waist and wish that the pajamas that I left on the bed can just magically cloth me.

" Sorry I startled you, Just wants to check if you need anything," he said still laying on the bed and his eye are fixed on my naked torso as I try to cover myself with my arms.

" You laying on my clothes and can I get some privacy please," I asked in a pleading voice.

" Sure," he said and handed me the pajamas and just sit up on the bed. I was standing there not knowing what to do. I felt so stupid at that moment because I was blushing like there was no tomorrow.

" Keep it together Jimin, " I say softly to myself. The man is going to hurt you again the voice in my head is reminding me. Eventually, he got up from the bed and walks to the door " Jimin when you finish please come down so you can eat something" He said.

" I'm not hunger " I replied

" Not happening you must eat, just have something please," he said and leave the room. The moment the door closed I walk to the bed and fell face down on it as a relief because I was trying really hard to calm myself down because if he stays a minute longer I will not be responsible for my actions. Fuck the man is still smoking hot and I'm more attractive to him than before.

After I get dressed I went downstairs and find Jungkook waiting for me in the kitchen. When I enters the kitchen I feel so at home because I was so fascinated with the chef's kitchen. My dream is to have my own restaurant and this is my dream kitchen that I standing in. All the appliances are stainless steel and the layout is almost the same as the kitchen where I currently work in Seoul. Looks like the chef had prepared some food because Jungkook just left the lid and there was one of my favorite meals homemade Kimchi and fried rice.

"Did you do that?" I asked while sitting down at one of the highrise chairs." I ask sounding happy for a change.

" Yip," he said smiling. I cannot believe that I starting to fall again for this man. Jimin think with your head I scold myself internally.

" Jimin we can talk tomorrow after you had a goodnight's sleep Ok," Jungkook said and kiss me on the forehead and leave me alone in the kitchen.

" What the fuck just happen," I ask myself trying to finish the food on my plate, and went up to the room. When I get to the room it's way past midnight and I'm desperately trying to sleep. After some time I fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up to some screaming and shouting" How the fuck did you get in here: Jungkook shout and the person scream back " I'm not leaving without Jimin" I smiled because Suzie and Jungkook are at each other's throats. I quickly put the matching gown on and make my way downstairs.

" Goodmorning Suzie," I said and she runs to me hugging me so tide.

" Jimin came back with me let's stay together at your mom's place, "She said still hugging me.

" It's Ok Suzie I'm fine," I said Jungkook growled at the both of us.

"Jimin is not going anywhere he and Aria is my responsibility now, "he said in an authoritative voice.

" Is that so " Suzie mocks him.

" Watch your mouth lady " Jungkook shouts and his phone rings. I watch his aura change as he answers the phone. " What the fuck do you mean the room is empty. Where's my daughter"

" Jungkook what's going on what happening to Aria," I said tears rolling from my eyes.

" She gone Jimin someone took her dammit"He slap on the kitchen counter.

" Namjoon "he shouts and within seconds, Namjoon entered the kitchen.

Namjoon Aria is missing and I want her back I just found out about her yesterday now she's gone. I didn't tell anybody about her yet how did this happen. That means we have a snitch here.

I was looking at Jungkook's lips moving and everything went black.

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