Chapter 52 - Healing & Improvement

Start from the beginning

May gasped, looking between her two friends. "Dawn, can we at least say a greeting?"

"You made a bet?" Serena's eyes went wide as she sat down at the table. "And way to totally spoil my news."

"Okay, girls." May leaned towards Serena, keeping her voice to a minimum. "Did you really?"

"We... did." Serena admitted, smiling sheepishly. "Honestly, if I knew that would happen ahead of time — I never thought it would with him — But it would at least give me time to prepare what to wear, like seriously, I was in my dance bra."

"He's a guy. I doubt he cared about that." Dawn said, sliding her phone down and waving her hand up and down. "You need to realize the power you hold regardless."

"Well, it was... actually great," Serena said, clasping her hands together in her lap. Too great.

"Now that really begs the question, Serena." May spoke up, eyeing her. "Are you two... finally a thing?"

Serena sighed. "Not exactly."

"You're not serious!" Dawn looked at her honey blonde haired friend as if she had three heads. "You two have feelings for each other and you've had sex. What else are we waiting for? Aliens to come down to Earth?"

"It's more so what Ash feels is right."

"You would think my boyfriend would've been like this." Dawn said casually. "You've been going back and forth with Ash for way longer than I had with Paul."

Serena couldn't deny that, because Dawn wasn't necessarily wrong. "Ash wants to ask me in some way that he feels he has to, if that makes sense. Something about a promise."

"Goodness, Ash is stubborn," May pointed out.

"I know. It just seems sort of a silly when we've practically got the basics of dating down." Serena shrugged, relaxing herself. "But I'll let him have his fun."

Even as she said it, she did wish they could just be together already. She tried to focus on her studying, but she couldn't stop thinking about seeing Ash again at practice tomorrow.

Once the next day came, nothing changed as Drew effortlessly got on Ash's nerves.

"It's been a week," Drew muttered, as if he didn't know Ash was injured for those past few days.

"Yeah. What about it?" Ash waved a hand out and used the same one to point at his foot. "I was injured. Did you expect me to work while I could barely walk?"

"No, Ash. "Drew said plainly, but there was a small curve of his lips into a grin. "It was a simple observation."

Ash stared at the guy and the more he looked at his slicked back green hair, it didn't make his irritation better. "Why did you need to point it out?"

Drew raised his brow with a shrug. "I was actually going to say I wanted to see what you remembered."

"It's not like I would magically forget things after one week!" Ash sassed, tapping his foot against the ground.

"You'd be surprised."

At the front of the room, both Serena and May laughed as the two boys bantered back and forth.

Ash's head immediately turned to them. "Yeah, yeah, good laughs. He should change his career to becoming a damn comedian. Now cut it out." He thrusts his finger out to Serena. "Especially you, Serena. You're supposed to be on my side!"

The side of Serena's mouth moved downwards while her eyes rolled up in a way that showed she was contemplating on that. "I'm simply observing."

Ash only could gape at her.

"Actually, Serena, if you don't mind partnering with him." Drew smirked, then continued. "I can watch you both and give better pointers."

Serena smiled and nodded. "Of course! I don't mind."

"I thought this was supposed to impress her?" Ash questioned, folding his arms over his chest. If he danced with her now, it defeated the whole purpose.

"The competition is around the corner and this is the best way for you to learn." Drew explained, carefully. "She also knows about these 'secret' lessons now, so best utilize this time well."

Ash grunted — because Drew actually was logically speaking — and moved to the center of the room to get into position. It was easier to shut his mouth and dance than to argue with Drew, especially when the guy was right. Damn, Ash hated when he was.

"Alright," Drew said, "Let's begin. I'll count it out."

Ash curved his back and stood on his feet, trying not to baby his injured foot. It didn't hurt anymore, but the muscle around his ankle and foot did feel tight. He really needed to make sure he stretched after this practice.

He wrapped his arm around Serena and pulled her close with his hand resting against her lower back. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail. His mind flashed to how she looked, lying beneath him with flushed cheeks, panting and desperate. Having their bodies practically touch only made him want to take her back to his room.

Drew's voice echoed through the studio and Ash tried to focus on the counting and the sounds of their feet tapping the ground. He led her and his hand pushed against hers, his fingers curling around her lower back. He pulled her into poses and stared into her blue eyes. They were twinkling with such excitement today and he didn't know if he missed this look before or if things were just heating up between them.

Ash pulled his feet in tight and dipped her down at the end of the run, and both Drew and May clapped.

"Ash," Serena breathed out, a proud smile on her face. Her chest heaved and he felt her fingers dance in his hair at the bottom of his neck. "You led so well."

"'Course I did. That's what I hoped." He swallowed and nodded, hoping his face wasn't turning a whole different shade. "But also thanks."

"Well done. That was very good. Maybe taking a week off was what you needed." Drew said, sounding honestly impressed, and chucked. "Your footwork is a little tight though. I know we told you that you needed to tighten up, but you shouldn't be so stiff like robot."

Ash pursed his lips and pulled Serena up. "Make up your mind, man. Either I'm a robot or I'm too loose."

"Well, you swung too far in the other direction." Drew went on with his explanations. "With the tango, it's okay to have sharper movement. Just don't ruin your flow."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Ash muttered, waving him off. "Lets try it with the music."

Setting up to go again, Ash couldn't tear his eyes away from how beautifully Serena was smiling. He knew this made her happy and he was truly glad he was also the one to be making her feel like this. At the same time, he was having a hard time focusing when she looked too gorgeous for her own good.

If only Drew and May weren't here. He would show her an even better time than before.

"Ash?" Serena called, standing in the middle of the room. "Are you ready?"

"For sure."

He grinned and made his way over, getting into the starting position. By now the dance was burned into his brain. He needed to focus and clear his head. If he could just focus on the music and the step—

But then Ash would pull her into the first pose while Serena's leg hooked around his waist. How did Drew do this with his girlfriend with full control?

He knew he had to get used to it.

Ash spun Serena, trying to keep up with the pacing of the music. He could feel his footwork getting messy. Was that a sign of improvement? That he could actually tell when he was messing up? The music was much faster than doing it to counting and perhaps Ash underestimated that.

He pulled them into the final pose, panting. "Dammit."

"It's a little bit faster than we thought," Serena said, then hummed. "I know what we'll be working on tomorrow."

The competition was too close for them to be behind. Ash wasn't going to make a fool of himself, even if it meant having to practice with her even more. At this point, he figured doing so was something he looked forward to.

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