"When I got Carousella, I was better protected, and she taught me how to protect myself and strategize, and she showed me that my age doesn't define my abilities, even when others judge me by that and my size. She taught me that facing my feelings and admitting when I'm in need are the true bravest things anyone could ever do. And she even taught me how to kick as hard as a horse."


"Remix helped me learn to find my voice. And he's the reason I found the confidence I needed to be more social and turn over a new leaf. Knowing he was so popular back in Equinaro and at parties, I wasn't sure he'd want to be a steed for someone like me, since I was just an ordinary kid back then."


"After Fiesta came into my life, she offered me a source of comfort by trusting me when all odds were against me, and I didn't know who else to turn to. She stood by me and she listened when I needed someone to talk to, and has shown me that I can say what I need to say around her without being judged. She said that girls like me are like roses. Many look at us and see something beautiful and delicate at first glance, but tend to forget that if they aren't careful, they'll get las espinas, as she calls the thorns."


"Crescent was wonderful from night one. He showed me a whole new world with help from his sister and my cousin. I was scared of how everything would change since my family found our long-lost relatives, but Crescent took me under his wing and comforted me when I was crying."

But, while the children's testimonies sounded credible, the council also asked the horses for their side of the story.


"After my mom died, I stopped forming new relationships altogether for a while. But I'd always wanted a little sister. And even though Gabby and I aren't even the same species, getting to be her protector was the best thing that ever happened to me. Getting to be with her so I could protect her, teach her, and play with her just like a big sister should with her little sister... I wouldn't trade it for anything."


"Back in Equinaro, I was pretty much the party king of Musicorn Meadow. Cool, popular, confident and downright always ready to get down. That's how they described me. I never imagined I'd be matched with a rider. But then I met Boba, a kid who didn't even know he liked music to begin with. I thought he'd end up with another musicorn of a certain genre, but to my surprise, he picked me. And it wasn't because of my skills as a DJ or because he wanted to pump up his popularity. He saw me as more than just a deejay or a party animal. He saw me as... a true friend, and we genuinely make each other happy like buddies should. He and I, we're like brothers."


"The day I met mi amiga, Ahsoka, it was under unusual circumstances. But then again, Carousella was matched with Gabriella while she was in danger. Ahsoka did not know who to trust, and so needed help from someone new. And Queen Reigna is one of the most trustworthy individuals in existence. I trusted her judgement, and I trusted that a Jedi as good and courageous as Ahsoka could never hurt anyone intentionally. And while our coming together was rough in the beginning, we were happily shown that it was a blessing in disguise."


"Lamenta reminded me of Carousella when she was tiny. Back in those days, she used to be pretty scared of everything, especially the dark. And as her big brother, I made it my job to take care of her, especially after we lost our mother. Then I remembered something she always did with me and Carousella when we couldn't sleep, and it helped Lamenta not only fall asleep, but feel more comfortable in her new home and her new life."

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