Rattle Snake Part 3

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Meanwhile, Omega, Obi-Wan, Peppermint, and some of the other younglings were getting exhausted as they were caring for Rattle Snake's latest victims.

"Shh! It's okay, Master Windu." Peppermint cooed to a baby Mace, showing him a plush ewok.

Omega started feeding Kara a bottle, but the baby girl kept spitting up.

"Why did messy eating have to run in this family?" Omega whined as she wiped Kara's little face for the fifth time.

Little Wrecker was crawling around, wanting to play with the baby ponies in their pen and Ganodi and Caleb were trying to keep them from escaping. Hunter and Crosshair were currently in a tug of war with a set of baby keys, and Byph was struggling to hold onto Indira as she got her wings going and started to carry him all over the place.

Qui-Gon seemed to like cuddling Gungi's soft, furry body.

"Agh!" Caleb exclaimed, seeing little Sapphire biting at his robes. "Sapphire, no!"

Caleb started to yank on his tunic, trying to get the little jewel pegasus to let go, but she thought it was a game and was persistent in pulling until she ripped a piece off.

"Aww! These were brand new." groaned Caleb.

Obi-Wan found changing a diaper to be easy, given that he'd looked after Anakin's babies before.

"Even as a baby, you made a lot of messes, didn't you?" Obi-Wan chuckled, holding a freshly changed and dressed Anakin.

Anakin cooed and started to play with his master's nose.

"Ugh. Gabby definitely takes after you." Obi-Wan said, remembering his goddaughter doing this all the time when she was a baby.

"In a few months, you're gonna be doing this kind of thing all the time." said Peppermint, getting a bottle of milk for Master Koth. "There we are, little ones. Drink up."

Feeding, burping, changing, and comforting all these babies, even for a big group of people, was proving to be so tiring.

"It's official. I'm never having kids." Petro said, burping Ahsoka, who then took handfuls of his hair. "Ouch!"

"You might feel differently about it when you're older, Petro." said Peppermint. "Remember, Obi-Wan didn't think he'd have his own family, and now he's gonna be a father soon."

"What is it with babies and yanking at hair?" said Katooni as baby Kit Fisto yanked at the things on her head. "Or whatever else hangs from the head?"

"That's just babies being curious." Peppermint said. "My little sister Firework used to bite my tail all the time when she was a foal."

Obi-Wan looked at Anakin as he rocked him in his arms and as Anakin was chewing on his little foot, Obi-Wan started to think a lot about his future with Satine. Very soon, he was going to be holding a little bundle of joy just like the one in his arms. Only, one that was an actual baby, not an adult transformed into one. He still couldn't believe how adorable his former Padawan was as a baby.

Anakin fell asleep in Obi-Wan's arms, but then Carmine started crying. Obi-Wan placed Anakin into a crib and picked Carmine up, his sense of smell immediately knowing what he needed.

"If Rattle Snake isn't stopped soon, we're going to run out of diapers before sunrise." Obi-Wan groaned as he placed Carmine on a changing table.

Gabby and Lamenta consulted the holo-net and found as many books on snakes as they could. So far, all they could find were facts about what snakes ate, the different types, how to repel them, and where they lived.

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