A Mandalore Wedding Part 3

Start from the beginning

"That blasted Duchess." Almec growled as he carved a random piece of wood he'd found.

Then all of a sudden, a green and black butterfly landed on the piece of wood Almec was holding, and a glowing green butterfly-shaped light appeared in front of his eyes.

"Hello, Prime Minsister Almec." said an echoey voice.

Almec suddenly saw a face in front of him. The face of a cloaked figure, whose face was hidden, but he could see a pair of emerald green eyes shining from underneath, and the voice sounded female.

"I am Mariverde." said the figure. "You were wrongfully denied the power you deserve when the duchess Satine came and had her sister defeat your forces."

"She's taken everything I worked for." growled the former prime minister.

"Well, what would you say if I told you I could make sure she couldn't take your power this time?"

"How would you do that?"

"In a few days, Duchess Satine will be married to Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, thus making him a legal ruler of Mandalore. However, if it were you who married her, then you would rule Mandalore legally, and no one could stop you, even if the duchess were to be killed."

"And how, pray tell, would I get her to marry me?"

"I can give you the power to appear as the one she loves so you fool not only her, but everyone around her as well, and I shall grant your army the strength to assist you in capturing the real Kenobi. All I ask in return is that you retrieve for me a possession of the royal family of Solaris."

Mariverde showed Almec illusions of the Enchanted royal family member's crowns, the jappor snippets, and Lamenta's moon necklace.

"Any of these possessions will do. Take them from the royal family and bring as many as you can grab to me, and all you desire shall be yours forever. Do we have a deal?"

Almec didn't give it a second thought and said, "With pleasure."

And the wood Almec held transformed into a voodoo necklace of some kind.

"Simply get Kenobi's blood into this amulet, and you will take on his form. You will marry Satine, become the duke, and then you will bring me the Solaran relics."

The day of the wedding...

Obi-Wan opened his door, thinking Qui-Gon was coming back for him, only to be jumped by Death Watch guards.

Obi-Wan tried to fight the guards, but he dropped his lightsaber somewhere, the guards held him to the floor.

"How nice to see you again, Kenobi." said Almec with a smirk.

"You?!" Obi-Wan said. "How did you get here? And more importantly, how did you escape?!"

"What's truly important now is that there's been a change of plans in the wedding." Almec said.

One of the guards held up Obi-Wan's hand, and Almec had the amulet bite Obi-Wan's finger and draw blood.

Obi-Wan cried in agony, but the Death Watch soldiers gagged him.

Almec put the necklace on, and within seconds, he was transformed from head to toe with the appearance of Obi-Wan Kenobi in a blue wedding suit.

The soldiers put a cloth bag over Obi-Wan's head and started dragging him away.

"Now, if you will excuse me," said Almec in Obi-Wan's voice. "It is time for me to become duke of Mandalore."

Back in reality...

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