A Mandalore Wedding Part 1

Start from the beginning

"After looking after Anakin and then our kids, I doubt any number of kids would be that big a challenge for him."

Later, Obi-Wan was getting the final touches done on his outfit.

His outfit was made a lovely sandy brown like his traditional Jedi garments with a royal blue sash to honor the fact that he was becoming part of Mandalore's royal family. He added a violet flower to his sash to add to the look.

"Perfect." Obi-Wan smiled.

Obi-Wan felt so nervous before. But now, he was feeling very excited. He was about to marry the woman of his dreams. Satine was his perfect angel the way Padme was Anakin's and Caroline was Carmine's. He could practically see his future with her now. Tonight, a perfect wedding with all their friends and family to celebrate their love, and then they would have children of their own together. After all his experience babysitting Gabby, then Boba, and later Lamenta and the twins Luke and Leia, he felt ready for any number of kids.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Obi-Wan, the coach is waiting." Qui-Gon said from the other side.

"I'll be right out. Just tell everyone to start boarding." Obi-Wan said.

But a few minutes later, Obi-Wan heard another knock.

"I'll be there in a moment." Obi-Wan said, finally ready. "I'm most certainly not going to be late for my own wedding."

Obi-Wan opened the door, but then was met with a bit of a shock and he was grabbed, shoved and pinned to the ground.

Meanwhile, the wedding party was waiting at the carriage that would take them to the cathedral where the wedding would occur.

Carmine looked at his watch.

"Where is he?" Carmine said.

"You don't think he got cold feet, do you?" asked Boba.

"Obi-Wan? Cold feet?" said Peppermint. "Doubt it."

"Apologies for the long wait." said a familiar voice.

And the wedding party spotted Obi-Wan all dressed up in royal blue.

"Looking good, Master." Anakin said.

"Yes, I know." said Obi-Wan. "Shall we head to the ceremony?"

Obi-Wan boarded the carriage, but got licked by Peppermint.

"A good luck lick." Peppermint smiled.

"Ugh! Disgusting!" Obi-Wan cringed, wiping the horse saliva from him cheek.

Peppermint suddenly looked confused. Obi-Wan didn't usually react that way when she licked him. He typically responded by petting her muzzle with a chuckle.

And so, the carriage began heading all the way to the royal wedding.

"Exciting day, huh, Master?" smiled Carmine.

But then, Obi-Wan looked confused.

"Since when do you wear glasses? Uh... Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked.

Now Carmine looked confused.

"Since I was a kid?" said Carmine. "And I'm Carmine, remember? Anakin's next to you."

"Are you okay, Obi-Wan?" Anakin asked.

"Uh... yes, yes. I'm fine." said Obi-Wan. "I must be more nervous about the wedding than I initially thought."

Meanwhile, in a prison somewhere on Mandalore...

Death Watch guards pulled a cloth bag from Obi-Wan's head as they pushed him into a cell and locked him in.

Obi-Wan grunted as he hit the hard floor, the door beeping as it slid closed.

One of the guards activated his communicator and contacted someone on the other end.

"The prisoner is secure, Sir. Your wedding can go on as planned."

"Excellent. Ensure the problem is kept under wing until the very last 'I do'." said the imposter.

Obi-Wan gasped when he grasped what was happening. Someone was going to pose as him at the wedding and marry Satine in order to take over Mandalore by becoming its legal ruler, no doubt planning to kill her once they were married.

"You do realize it is impolite to inconvenience the groom before his wedding, don't you?" Obi-Wan said. "Someone will realize that is an imposter sooner than you believe."

"Shut up, Jedi scum." said the guard.

"But it is true. Princess Lamenta can literally see the truth. She will realize something is wrong very soon, and you will be severely punished."

And before the guard could say anything else, Obi-Wan Force pushed the door right down and ran down the hall, searching for a communicator he could use to call for help. Unfortunately, another guard spotted him escaping and called for backup.

Many guards came to Obi-Wan, and began fighting as many as he could. But more kept coming and attempted to hold him down and stop him by putting a shock collar on him, and activating it when he fought.

"Looks like this one needs a more secure cell." the guard holding Obi-Wan said.

"Release me now, and I will see that my wife takes it easy on you." Obi-Wan demanded. "AGH!" 

Obi-Wan screamed in agony as he was shocked again. 

"One more word out of you, and you'll have more than just cold feet, Kenobi."

The guards started to drag Obi-Wan down the hall, but Obi-Wan continued to struggle, no matter how much the guards shocked him. Satine was in danger, and on what was supposed to be the happiest day of her and Obi-Wan's lives, no less.

But... Obi-Wan remembered he'd saved Satine many times before, even when he was a teenager! He'd fought many dangerous foes in the Clone War, survived the Battle of Geonosis, defeated Darth Maul, and survived more than a few ship crashes with Anakin. Why should this scenario be an exception?

Thus, Obi-Wan had a declaration:

"I will not be stopped from attending... my own wedding!"

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