jail brake

320 1 0

"Ah fuck" I whispered into the cold air frustrated with myself.

This medal gate was not budging.

I need to leave now. I didn't have time to wait around.

Especially since I knew that their alpha was headed home soon. I didn't want to meet or even see another alpha or wolf, for that matter, for the rest of my life. I was over this life. This twisted messed up system. I already ran away from one pack..I could do it again.

I was fearful that this confidence was misplaced and that I wouldn't be able to escape, but I don't have time to give into these negative thoughts or feelings.

"The alphas' should be headed back at any moment now. Their meeting with the eastern pack finished not too long ago." I overhear one of the main guards inform the others.

There's 2 alphas? How did that work? I ignore these unanswered questions, not really hoping to find the answers, too, and start picking the lock some more. For someone who has never done this, I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. This method wasn't working.

As one of the guards walked past my cell, I carefully reached my hands out and grabbed a stack of keys that was comically around his waist.

My heart was racing, and I hoped no one cared enough to notice.
I decided that it would be best to wait a few hours. There were way too many guards out now, and I definitely would be caught if I tried anything.

I spend most of my time convening myself that it would be okay. There's no way the alphas would come here, to tve cells, as soon as they came back.

They would have way more important stuff to focus on.

I wait 5 more hours. It has been at least 2 hours since I've seen any type of  guard.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I push the key into the cell and twist it until I hear a loud unlocking noise.

I give it a few seconds before pushing open the cell door, making sure no one was coming, and I run right down the hallway as fast as I could.

I've seen light and colder winds come from this side, so there has to be a way out.

The first thing I see is a big silver door with the letters 'WOODS' written on it. Woods were better than a cold, wet cell.

I quickly pushed on the door with all my might. I was only able to make a small opening, but that was enough for me to crawl out of.

Almost immediately, there was a loud alarm sounding through the building.

I prayed that it wasn't over me and there was something else going on, but I wasn't that lucky.

I took off into the forest as fast as my legs would carry me, which was unfortunately incredibly slow compared to the speed of these wild beasts.

It took no longer than 2 seconds for me to be tackled to the ground with a huge wolf on top of me.

He was growling and barking. I couldn't understand what he was doing, that was until he took a chunk of my hip. He had bit down so quickly and so effortless that I would've never seen it, but I could feel it.

I yelled and yelped as louder than I have ever had in my entire life. "A slow and painful death is how you should pay for your crimes, you stupid girl." With shaky hands, I'm reached down to touch my injured hip. "Take her back to the cell. She should be dead soon."

"Yes, boss!"

I'm not sure how much time had passed, but I was soon right back into the cell. All I could do was put pressure onto the wound in hopes of releving some pain. I whined and whimpered from time to time.

I curled myself into a ball and awaited death, that was all I could do.

"A-alphas please you really shouldn't go in there right now you just got back from your tri-"

"Silence." The room goes quietly. Even the crickets outside stopped all noises.

If I wasn't in so much pain I would've looked. I would've gone up to the cell bars and stand on my tippy toes for just a single peak at whose voice that was. That comforting calming voice.

I didn't have to, though. Soon after, the cell flew open. My eyes snapped open, and two large men stood right over me. I quickly placed all my weight on one elbow and scooted away. I couldn't handle another bite. "No, no, let me see. It's okay, we're to help you. We're to make you feel better."

One of the men said as he bent down and moved my soaked hand away. I let him for some reason. I could see his eyes go from confusion and anger and then lastly panic.

"Get the doctor here now!" It suddenly became to difficult to keep not only my body up but to keep my eyes open as well. I felt another presence next to me. They pulled my bloody shirt up, and I felt something be placed on the injury.

"Don't sleep please, try keep your eyes open." He pleaded.

I wanted so badly to, but I couldn't.

When I came to, I was in a place I didn't recognize, surrounded by things, and smells I didn't understand.

I was in a soft bed that looked like it could fit 20 of me. Despite not knowing what was going on, I just closed my eyes and relaxed.

I touched my side and felt a bunch of soft bandages covering most of my stomach and sides. How was I still alive? I jumped when I heard the sound of knocking.

I snapped my eyes open. Suddenly, the same two men entered the room along with some professional looking doctors. "Good morning dear. How are you feeling?" He took out some stuff from his bag.

"Sleepy." I replied honestly. I wanted to sleep more.

I took a peak at the men next to him. They both were staring right at me with a worried glance. They were making me feel nervous.

"That's normal. I'm just need to do some basic testing right now. Everything else is okay. You're healing perfectly." He smiled. I gave a small, tired smile in reply.

He took out a small light and suddenly pointed it in my eye. I looked the other direction and started rubbing my eyes. That was way to bright.

"I-I'm so sorry." He rushed out while looking at the darker haired men. He gave a warning glance.

"Are you okay?" He sat beside me and pulled my hands away from my eye. "Yes, sorry." I apologized to the doctor.

"It's alright." The man next to me put his arm over me and started rubbing his hand up and down on my arm. I leaned into his side.

"Don't worry, it'll be over quickly." I followed the doctors instructions, moving my eyes up, down, to the left and then to the right. "Everything seems perfectly fine. We will have to keep an eye on the bite on her hip. Our main concern is an infection." He spoke to the man that was still standing.

The man next to me grabbed my hand and kissed it. "You did amazing, Sweetheart."

Embarrassed, I looked back at the doctor. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were on me.

"We have some questions."

I'll probably make a part 2. I really liked writing this, lol

My Wattpad pet peeves pt 2-

- obvious plot holes. Fix that shii
- not being able to stick with a theme or something. Ex. This author couldn't decide how old the mc was. Every other chapter the mc wad a new age. (She probably just forgot lol)
-a book about romance or something but there is no chemistry or there's just smut
-the male mc over sexualizes the girl. Like the only time he talkes about her to his friends or just in his head it's just about her body. Ick. I leave immediately tbh.
-the dude makes all kinds of promises but can't keep them to save his life (book- the rose? Or something like that lol it was a long time ago)

Imagines and One shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें