1 year

799 3 0

warnings: no smut, age gap relationship 

The sun shining in my eyes is what woke me up. The large window in our bedroom was cracked a little bit to let the cool air in. 

I groaned and snuggled into Rome more. I pushed my face into his chest. I noticed that it was softer than it normally is. I placed my hands over it and gave it a small squeeze. It was incredibly soft and pillowy. 

I opened my tired eyes and saw that I wasn't hugging my husband Rome, but instead his pillow. I glanced at the clock, it had just passed 6:30 in the morning. What was he doing up so early? I decided to lay back down and give it a few minutes. He might just be in the bathroom. After 10 minutes I heard something fall and shatter in the kitchen. 

I got up and got a smaller fuzzier blanket from the closet and placed it over my body. I quietly tiptoed my way down the hallway and to the stairs. I made my way down the stairs and all the way to the kitchen. Rome was on the stove cooking something. I walked up behind him and touched his waist. "Boo." My voice was still heavy from waking so it was a very quiet 'boo'. He didn't jump but he did seem surprised to see me. 

 "Careful baby, there's glass on the floor." He bent down and picked me up by my thighs and placed me on one of his arms like I weighed nothing. Even though he was 12 years older than me, you couldn't tell just by looking at him. He was still crazy strong. He held me there while he carried on cooking. It Looks like he was making blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes. My favorite. 

 "What are you doing up so early?" I question as I rest my head on his chest. "It's a surprise. It was going to be breakfast in bed but I like this more." He kissed my forehead. After he was done cooking he placed me on a chair. 

He then placed a whole stack of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast with my favorite kind of jam. He also placed water and chocolate milk by my plate. 

I was now getting suspicious, he never lets me drink chocolate milk so early in the morning. After we were done picking what we wanted on our plates he picked me up and sat me on his lap. This isn't that surprising because he did this for every meal. We were talking and eating at the same time. I picked up a new book at the library so that was a good chunk of our conversion. After I was done eating I placed my hand over my stomach and leaned more into his chest. He was an amazing cook. 

"It was good?" he asked with a smirk, padding my stomach. "Yeah it was really good. Thank you." I turn around so our chest is touching and I place my hands around his neck. I give him a small kiss on his cheek. He responds by placing a kiss on my lips. 

He got up and placed me on the couch. "I'll be back. Don't move." he turns around and quickly runs upstairs. A few minutes later he comes back with a box and flowers. " I was going to wait until later but I'm impatient." He hands me a big bouquet of flowers and a small jewelry box. The flowers were blue and white. They smelled so good. " they're so pretty." He sits down next to me. I hand him the flowers so that I can open the box. He quickly takes them. 

The box was a beautiful shade of blue and gray. I quickly pulled the bow and top off. It was a gorgeous blue pendant. " It's beautiful." I say holding it up to the light and watching it sparkle. I put it back into the box and set it beside me. 

I put my hands around him and gave him a big hug. He pulls me all the way into his lap. "Thank you so much, Rome."

"You're welcome, Sweetheart, happy one year." I heard him whisper.

My eyes widen and I pull away. He placed his hands on my face and he kissed my lips. When he pulls away he says "this has been the best year of my life, all thanks to you


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