CEO husband

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^^ just a random picture

This is the first Imagine one shot I've written 

warnings: implied murder, no smut (I think that's it)

You were sitting at the desk of your CEO husband. There were businessmen around the big office. He was late to the meeting. You wanted to surprise him with lunch but he was taking forever to actually show up to the meeting.

 You roll your eyes at his lack of respect for other people's time. You could tell that other people were becoming incredibly impatient but they didn't say anything as they were too scared to make him mad or unhappy. They also refused to talk or even look at you so it was very silent and a little awkward, they didn't know how to act around you. You sigh and sink down into your chair. After a long few minutes of me trying to entertain myself you got tired and rested your arms and head on the desk. Soon the door came flying open with an older man walking in yelling "Where is the CEO? I can't find him. He's making us fall behind!" Not being interested in what was going on, you rest your head once again.

 You were really starting to get upset now and starting to regret not telling him you were coming by. "We don't know sir, He's usually late to these things." One of the men finally speaks up. "Ridiculous." He rules his eyes, and plops down in an empty chair. The room is silent once again.

"What is this girl doing here? I didn't know they let s-" his sentence was cut off once by the door opening once again. "Sorry, gentle men, I was filling out paperwork." You quickly lift your head up to the sound of his voice. He was still looking at said paperwork so has yet to notice you. It didn't take long for him to notice you though. 

He was shocked. I get up off the chair and hug him. "Gosh you take forever!" You shout kind of jokingly. He sets the papers down and hugs me back and kisses your forehead. 

"I didn't know you were here, baby, what have I said about letting me know if you were going to stop by." He sits down in his chair after I break the hug. "But that would ruin the surprise." You pull out the pink and blue lunch box from under your coat that was sitting on a couch. 

The sound of someone clearing their throat reminded you that there were other people in the room. You blush a dark shade of red(ignore if you have a darker skin tone) out of embarrassment. 

You went to leave but he pulled you on his lap and started the rest of the meeting. The guy from earlier was incredibly rude. 

He kept interrupting people and barely gave anyone else room to talk. He tried that a few times with your man but one look from him shut him up, entirely. You were drawing on some of his pink sticky notes. 

You were trying really hard to draw a fish, as they were your favorite animal. 

You could tell that you guys were close to adopting one. Just a few more days of pleading and convincing  was all you needed to get your way. 

 Seeing that one of the men was busy preparing his presentation, you decided to show the man that was currently patting your thighs, your new drawing. "Should we get one like this?" You ask teasingly. He looked at your drawing, laughed and squeezed your thigh as a warning. 

"This fish is wonky, so maybe not this one exactly." You mumble to yourself. 

"Don't you think you should save the coloring for outside of the office? This is a professional setting, you know." the same guy from earlier smirks. Your smile disappears and is replaced with a deep frown. 

You try to come up with a snarky reply but nothing comes to mind. Your feelings were hurt and he caught you off guard. 

You felt the man behind you tense up and release you from his hold. "Go to the bathroom." he sets you back on your feet. "Okay." you kiss his cheek and walked out. It wasn't long before you heard the sounds of yelling, screaming, and a gun shot. 

You couldn't help but giggle a little, he always overreacted. 


omg thank you so much for 51(omg 55 currently as I'm editing) reads!!! I think most of them are from myself but I know at least one of them is from someone other than myself lol. 

Again Thank you!!! ❤❤😘😘

I'm trying to update once a day but I have finals and summer school for the next few weeks(like three weeks) so I don't have as much free time as I did over this pass week. My next few weekends might also be busy so I guess I'll just see how this goes <3

Just to clarify - I have to do summer school because I'm failing math. I'm not doing it because I want to

words: 722 (just the actual story) 

( . )( . ) 

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