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It was December 1st.

I remember that day so clearly.

It's engraved into my memory.

You didn't deserve this.

The world is so cruel Wonnie..

That day...I was so angry.

I was so angry at myself, at the doctors, at the world.

I wish I could've taken your pain away, and let it all on me.

You were too young for this.


I was sitting in the chair next to Jungwon's bed.

We were watching a movie together, per Jungwon's request.

He was exhausted from all of the testing he's had to do over the past two days.

His parents were also with us, discussing things on the couch.

They were so tired and so stressed out.

My parents had come by earlier today and brought Jungwon stuff. They also came to check on me since I have been spending the past few weeks with Jungwon here in the hospital.

We were peacefully watching the movie when the doctor came in.

I turned off the movie and put my phone in my pocket.

The look on the doctor's face when he came in made me nervous.

He looked..sad? He had a sorry expression on his face that made my heart race.

"Mr. and Mrs. Park, we have the results back from Jungwon's tests and labs." The doctor says.

We all turned our attention to the doctor, waiting for what he was going to say next.

"I'm so sorry to tell you this..but..." He starts.

"Jungwon has stage 4 pancreatic cancer.."

It felt like everything froze.

"That means it has already spread throughout his pancreas and has already made its way into the liver."

The doctor was explaining what was happening, but I couldn't hear him.

Jungwon has cancer?..

I could hear Mrs. Yang break down into sobs.

I couldn't take it.

Everything around me was spinning.

I got up from the chair and left. I walked out of the hospital, and let my legs take me anywhere.

This can't be happening.

I walked and walked and walked until I couldn't anymore.

I found myself in an empty park.

I found a bench to sit on and just cried.

I pull out my phone and dial the first person in my contacts.


Thankfully, he picked up almost instantly.

"Hello?" Heeseung says.


"Jay? Are you okay? What happened?" Heeseung asks.

"Is it Jay? Is he okay?" I hear Jake asking in the background.

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